Monday, October 8, 2012

The Blue of the Sky Would Not Move Us Were It a Foot or So Above Our Heads

So I go from four o'clock Friday afternoon until seven o'clock Sunday night without looking at readers or feeders or tweeters, not by design, not out of protest, not for lack of access, but because it just didn't occur to me. Holyfuck, weird and wonderful. So quick, aarghful and unaarghful links because I could get used to non-aargh and no links; oldtimers can vouch I've a propensity to addiction followed by relentless evangelizing. Als0 to0 the promised poetry and music plus two more trip photos. The above is on the south side of 70 viewed heading west from Old Senecaville Saturday morning, the below taken yesterday on the way home in a gas station/restaurant in Bruceton Mills West Virginia (exactly halfway between Kensington and Zanesville), my snapping the photo eliciting a question whether I'm a nigger-loving liberal, the poem from Keith Waldrop's Transcendental Studies, a copy of which I found in a used bookstore in Granville Ohio. Music is from yesterday's Zanesville to Wheeling to Washington to Morgantown to Cumberland to Hancock to Hagerstown to Frederick to Kensington sound track.


Keith Waldrop

Keep well in mind that it is strangely possible
for us to oppose ourselves. An illustration: competing
visual fields. The projection room is dark. The blue of the
sky would not move us, were it a foot or so above
our heads. Fear drives the body, looking for itself.

Someone lying in the roadway. About pain, we are
all more or less agreed, but reflection is
necessary for such functions as urination, walking,
writing, sexual intercourse. A single, unified
judgment establishes the matter as undecided.

Sweeps of the eye traverse and surmount
something, the traversing and surmounting of which
might, in another way, be a matter of time, toil,
danger - its very height suggesting the
violence of a fall. I am myself, but I develop.


  1. The cartoon was made for a possible sale to a library. If they buy it, people will be able to check it out of the library and hang it on their walls for a few weeks. The overt reference to Updike in the first panel is for the kiddies who have never heard of him. I expect the librarians will get it, and in fact I'm just sucking up to them by dropping book references into the narrative. Thanks for the link!

  2. screwing with the visitors by posting the header pic upside down. Nicely played, I approve.
