In good news I'm in love with my beloved Seneca Disc Golf Course again, twice in three days, 54 holes, yesterday with SeatSix, Dr Z a windwussy. I birdied Hole 5 with my magenta Roc from ninety feet, not many twos with my arm at Seneca, if you disc and you're ever near you need to. I'll show you the course. I want a star plastic Aviar 170g that looks like my mood and unpeaceful mind
cause it's a self-portrait, I want to see the putter curse the putter when the putter doinks the putter a quarter-inch short of dead center basket not each but most every time, plus I'm down to red, black, and white acrylic ink and gouache, blckdgrd me, wasn't planned but not an accident, fine metaphors abound, as always the grid is part of the monologue and the post is a poem
"All these "Hey, Dearborn how you doing now?" folks are doing is simultaneously acknowledging that the Genocide cost Harris the election and that they were too cowardly to do anything about it when it mattered."
"What feels more specific to our time is the extent to which our leaders have responded to a moment of severe and proliferating crisis by regressing into a childlike state, and encouraging their followers to do the same"
Counterpoint: Senate Democrats knew exactly what McConnell was doing and enabled it with their performative fecklessness (and were lucratively rewarded)
"The Democratic Party in its current state is not equipped to take on the Trump-Musk corruption because it engages in the same corruption"
I am not anti-christian, I am anti-christer, the fear-driven morons who want to eradicate me and anyone and everyone who knows they are fear-driven morons and (know the fear-driven morons *know* they are fear-driven morons) hate anyone and everyone not a fear-driven moron with the narrow vindicativeness of their genocidal god
"Vance set an easy trap that everyone fell for, again. We should be focused on Trump giving the world's richest oligarch control over the flow of trillions of our dollars. Instead we're having an undergrad debate about racism & PC culture. Works every time"
For fifty years me and people who think like me have screamed crackers and especially christers are vicious vindicative violent and vengeful zealots who delight in delivering your eternity in hell more than working towards their eternity in heaven. This evil, literally evil, m**********r, for instance.
I am the crazy one, canary weathervane cassandra fool, ask anyone, the one who won't let it go and goes on and on about it in an hectoring condescending tone, it's true, I *do* actively try to squelch but not this dog
Crckrchrstrfucks've told you forever what they would do if shitlords would just give them the keys to haunt and torment your life in exchange for new victorious sacred kitsch praising their own enshittification
You don't need this reiterated, but I do
"Nobody who's saying "Haha you idiots should have voted for Kamala to protect the Palestinians" has ever supported the Palestinians. These are all the same people who spent last year telling everyone to shut up about Gaza and stop opposing an active genocide. They can get fucked"
Monologue is the grid except to say, as you try to imagine what would have happened had J6 been an attack on the capitol by black men try to imagine what would happen if George Soros was now combing through government computer programs deciding whether keeping you alive cost efficient. I'm going outside to play. Exene turned seventy yesterday and once upon a time X (who in one of the three best concerts of my lifetime burned Ontario Theater to the ground, burned it to the ground) was considered one of best, most important and influential bands in the world, youngsters
"Man with all of this entirely predictable shit happening, it's a good thing that Dems didn't make their face of the House Oversight Committee an unremarkable septuagenarian Rep with esophageal cancer"
"Ask yourself what you’d think about another country if a new regime quickly prohibited all government agencies from communicating with the public, then began deleting data from government websites that it deemed unacceptable"
"The sad truth is that Musk's greatest political threat in the near future will more likely come from rival oligarchs uniting against Musk's brazen hogging of the public jewels, than from the deeply corrupt & feckless Dem Party"
"Democrats are taking the path of Starmer’s Labour: crush yr left wing base, offer nothing substantive, and wait obediently for the GOP to wreck the country so - as the only alternative - they can pick up the scraps in a country that no longer expects anything from government"
"The Democratic Party grift machine’s commitment to never changing is really breathtaking
Musk aides lock government workers out of computer systems at US agency
"This is an open license to rob, rape and kill the undocumented (or member of their family), knowing they won't be able to report the crime. We've reached this hideous state in part because the Dems have adopted the GOP's extremist framing on immigration"
"Anker’s analysis starts with the story of an epiphany: her distressing recognition that paradox has become a predictable intellectual reflex rather than a clarifying insight"
"China hasn’t spent the 21st century killing people by the millions in wars of aggression. China isn’t circling the planet with hundreds of military bases while working to destroy any nation or group anywhere in the world who disobeys it. China isn’t strangling nations around the globe with starvation sanctions for refusing to bow to its dictates. China didn’t just spend 15 months lighting the middle east on fire and backing a live-streamed genocide. China hasn’t spent the last three years endangering the world in frequently terrifying acts of nuclear brinkmanship with a rival nuclear superpower"
"The nation's universities have committed intellectual and moral suicide over Gaza, and now they are a spent and broken force, sick with blind, anti-human bile, useless in any fight against fascism, for they've already capitulated to fascism's ultimate goal: genocide"
Israeli forces open fire at Palestinians around the buses carrying the released prisoners in Beitunia, occupied West Bank
"good idea mr. democrat congressperson! protect the cop money! for swing votes! fucking useless"
"Ken Martin, who no one has ever heard of, was just elected chair of the Democratic Party. Ken Martin is of course a genocidal Zionist who has vowed that the US will forever and unconditionally support the Israeli death-cult"
"Ladies and gentlemen...the Democratic Party of Greenwich, Connecticut!"
"this is the Dems' plan—ooze back into power as the GOP fails, again. There's no big political reform project. Just waiting for the other side to fail. And it'll probably work. It's why no one who failed even bothers with the pretense of accountability"
"Welcome to America where our politicians will starve your children so much that they became easy prey for greedy corporations to exploit"
"Not one word in this NYT article to say that the US is occupying Guantánamo illegally, or to quote the Cuban government denouncing this move"
"One of the small dialectical pleasures still left to whatever intelligences remain unincorporated is to observe, in this moment, how deeply capitalists hate capitalism, with all its inviolable laws and contradictions"