Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Their Form Mirrors the Decay That Will Fit Us So Comfortably Some Day

So we've toggled from Trump certainly winning to Trump not a certainty to win. That's my hot take beyond reminding you that two days of celebratory relief for the majority of Americans that Trump's return not inevitable does not mean that Harris will win, it just eliminates the inevitability of a Biden landslide loss. And while it's funny and delightful to witness the shellshock of magaturds from Trump on down to every choad waving Deport Them Now signs freaking the fuck out at the realization that they will have to play defense in the election and that the elevation of Trump to emperor is not a fait accompli, what I thought would be an ugly, violent, and thoroughly nuts election season during Trump's inevitable ascendance to emperor is nowhere - nowhere, not even close - near as ugly, violent, and thoroughly nuts as the election season will be now

Yes, Harris is a cop. What's the over-under date when Trump dumps Vance? I don't know when Harris makes her vpotus choice so I can't pick a date but I'm putting my chip on five days after Harris makes her choice. Yes, Dems are spunky now and magashits freaking the fuck out and I get a pang of fandom nostalgia from long before I knew my team sucked and sucked on purpose and will again soon. No, our shitlords' plans haven't changed and all will be manipulated so the election hinges on four votes in Forty Fort Pennsylvania and seven in Eighty Four Pennsylvania and Leo Leo's pampered judges judge as you'd guess, where I'm still putting my chip. Yes, I want Democrats to attack megacrackerchristers head-on but doubt they will and even if they do and win they won't enact or codify any major legislation they will promise you they will. No, Harris will not end the forever wars but eagerly prompt and engage them and will assist vulture-capitalists steal my lifetime savings. Yes, two weeks from now the paradigms will have toggled, wait for September and especially October. Above acrylic ink, clear elmer's glue, gouache. Yes, there is new Seefeel, first song off new album released below, first something old:

"I'm seeing some people say they feel sorry for Joe Biden. Just to be clear: I hope every waking moment of his life is filled with suffering, humiliation, degradation, and endless pain. That depraved genocidal senile rapist Zionist scumbag is directly responsible for the mass murder and rape of not just Palestinians, but Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, every single US genocidal war going back decades, millions of lives, babies, children, men and women destroyed by this monstrous ghoulish freak"
Some Lessons about Zionism and Anti-Zionism from an Ongoing Genocide
Netanyahu's Inferno"Can Kamala Harris Wipe the Blood Off Her Hands?"
Meta’s Policy On Zionism Exposed
How western Big Tech giants enable Israel's occupation
The Two Hands Of White Empire
To a Starving Orphan Who Died Alone in Rubble
The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think
"We’ve been gifted >100 days of this sniveling venture-capital dweeb as the standard bearer of Peter Thiel’s army of fascist parasites"
Jake Sullivan is running America?
"He Has Sounded Forth the Trumpster That Shall Never Call Retreat"
Kamala Harris is a normal Republican
"Doing her best to appear elated while a large, throbbing vein protruded from her forehead, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was ‘really, really, really happy’ for Vice President Kamala Harris as she shook the presumptive Democratic nominee’s hand and refused to let go of it. “So, so, so proud of you for this huge accomplishment—there is no one more deserving of this than you,” said a stock-still, unblinking Clinton, who, when panicked advisors quietly asking her to release the presidential candidate’s hand, only widened her smile and clamped her fingers tighter, causing Harris’ bones to audibly crack"
The Democratic Party’s Culture of Loyalty
"Shapiro is worse than I realized, & I’m hardly a fan. Harris needs to look elsewhere. (NB: Shapiro’s worst conduct is virtually unknown, involves fleecing $350M from foster care kids, helping cronies plunder child welfare charity. Totally unreported in media.)"
Harris will not try to codify Roe, Obama made the same promise to and chose to bail out Wall Street instead
"Kamala is not progress. Kamala is a cop. A genocidal cop. Biden is a butcher. Obama is a mass murderer. Palestinians are facing literal genocide. Fuck anyone who presents Kamala as progressive. You want anything but Trump? Say so. Don’t present this as a meaningful step forward"
Three Things Missing from the Big Biden Butt Kiss
Galileo in Moscow:"The state has become a hostage to global corporate profit centers and has lost its extractive and transformative capacities – it no longer has an upper hand in deciding the direction of the country and the allocation of resources"
The People’s Court of New Normal Germany
"The true dyad at the root of Western Civ: a guy on ketamine trying to talk to a guy on coke at the sparsely attended apartment party of a former tagger who now does graffiti fonts for Urban Outfitters"
The meaning of freedom and security
Maggie'sIs the future worth it?
Can streamed music ever be beautiful?{ feuilleton }
The Strange World Of… Gastr del Sol
Seefeel Unveil First New Music Since 2011


Bill Knott

Compared to one's normal clothes, pyjamas
are just as caricature as the dreams
they bare: farce-skins, facades, unserious
soft versions of the mode diem, they seem
to have come from a posthumousness:
floppy statues of ourselves, slack seams
of death. Their form mirrors the decay
that will fit us so comfortably some day.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Renewal Project Is Doomed Because Its Funding Board's Vice-President Resigned

Whelp, I seem to still be here and own my own name

Your domain name,, is configured for automatic renewal with registrar, Enom, on July 18, 2024. Each registration renewal is valid for one year.

Google will charge your account after the renewal is complete. To ensure uninterrupted service, please follow these directions to update your payment method, if needed.

Ten years ago I would have fretted until confirmed and while I haven't achieved full Fuck-it I am fuckmiles closer now than ever before. Below taken during a root canal in 2016 halfway between full Fuck-it and where Fuck-it plus or minus is now

More signs of the apocalypse - the Grateful Dead are one of this year's Kennedy Center Honorees, so fuck me, and if you think don't think Kamala Harris will adopt and continue to prosecute Joe's genocide - have you been watching the savagery of the neverending Israeli genocide, ethnic cleansing, and land theft behind the fog of Joe's disintegration on live TV, 24-7 coverage, this year's hit tv show - you're a dope, but at least you're not taping a menstrual pad to your ear to support King Cracker, this is the communicative principle, yes? Here's a secret video of the Democrat Party's brain trust directing the flock on offing Joe and what to say after Joe offed

"the pandemic is over" - joe biden
"The vilest human era throughout the universe"
Today's bleggalgaze: the guy above, fifteen years ago I was in a group blog with him and others, I would have been fretting the renewal of domain name then, now I can't even remember the blog's name beyond part of it was Area 51. I think
Get Out If You Can. If Not, Prepare
"Where to go is difficult. If you speak Mandarin and they’ll let you in, China’s not a bad choice. Avoid the UK unless you have no other options: Britain is in terminal decline. In general Europe is in decline and the chance of the Atlantic Meridian Overturning Current (AMOC) stopping makes it questionable for those who are younger or who have children, but while Europe is going down, the welfare state still exists and will take longer to go away, so long as you choose your destination carefully"
The U.S. hurtles toward political crisis
DNC’s Plan to Force Biden’s Nomination Is Everything People Hate About the DNC
"The DNC chairman was a lobbyist for Bank of America, BP, Google, Boeing and Big Pharma…and yet some people are suddenly shocked that he’s lying and trying to rig a democratic process, I mean please"
"It will never stop being funny that elected Democratic Congress members and senators are openly telling reporters they’ve just accepted that Biden is losing and when random dipshits like me on Twitter also do this somehow the collapse of democracy is my fault instead"
Republicans are delighted with Biden
"Don't let this sad coda to his long career be his only legacy! I prefer to remember him as he was in his prime: a bagman for corporate lords, architect of the racist Crime Bill and the family-crushing Bankruptcy Bill and ardent champion of mass murder in Iraq"
The media are doing this meme again for the Trump shooter lol
"Every new totalitarian system is preceded by some sort of civil war. You can’t just implement totalitarianism out of nowhere. In order to impose totalitarianism on society, you need to tear society apart, pit the masses against each other, foment fanaticism, mass hysteria, and hatred. Above all you need to foment fear. Once you have torn society apart and whipped the masses into a mindless paroxysm of fear and hate and murderous rage, you can implement your new form of totalitarianism fairly easily, as people will be desperate for the restoration of “order.”
It is impossible to overstate what pussies crackerwhisperers think crackers are (and are not wrong)
Assassination and Trump’s Mentality
"I’m the guy who did more for the Palestinian community than anybody.”
"If the world accepts the way Israel now interprets the principle of proportionality, then genocide will become justified"
The Rise of the American Oligarchy
Destroying a species for profit
Google Now Defaults to Not Indexing Your Content
Been wondering why the email associated with this blog was getting Not Indexed notices, I guess this is why
Enter Here: On William H. Gass’s The Tunnel


Albert Goldbarth

The renewal project is doomed: because
its funding board’s vice-president resigned: because
the acids of divorce were eating day-long
at her stomach, at her thoughts: because
her husband was neglecting her, in favor of his daughter,
who was dying: because her husband,
bi and edgy, bore an AIDS sore that was ripe
enough with fear and woe to throw this whole
thick network of connections off its balance
and down a hole of human misery. Haven’t we seen it happen?
—when a crowded room at a party was tilted
perilously askew by the weight of two
wept tears that weren’t as large as a housefly’s wings,
that couldn’t have filled a pistachio shell.

Monday, July 15, 2024

A Hell of Distances Bathed in the Feeble Glow of Emptiness

I have no hot takes on the assassination attempt itself beyond observing that not a single voter changed his/her/their mind and noting that Democrats will exploit the attempted assassination to enfeeble themselves more as much as they can while Republican deification of Trump proceeds apace. My right eye

I can't help but connect the Secret Service fuckup in Butler with the long power-grid outage in Houston and the total shitshow that was Copa America and the two decrepid fartbags we're told to choose from for president with the complete and deliberate dereliction of shitlord obligations towards its peasants in the service of maximum rent extraction, there are no accidents, your enshitification and immiseration IS the plan, he types as he's slowly going blind. My left eye

Plus the assassination attempt, two days old, already old news. There are 113 days or 2712 hours or 162,720 minutes or 9,763,200 seconds until election day, Tuesday November 5th. We ain't seen shit yet. As always, grid part of the monologue. Roky Erickson born seventy-four years ago today:

"Never forget that this disgusting criminal liar spread fabricated tales about beheaded babies and mass rapes to justify his killing fields in Gaza. He incites and he kills!"
Testimonies From the Mawasi Massacre: Ninety People Buried in the Sand
"The wealth class cares about one thing and one thing alone: eliminating the ability for the masses through representative government to impede their consolidation of power and wealth"
Inside the tax records of the .001%
"All the high-profile Democrats who’ve been wishing Trump a speedy recovery from his assassination attempt after years of calling him an existential threat are the same people who now treat George W Bush like a cuddly wuddly snugglepoo after years of calling him an evil dictator. The enmity between factions is a performance, like cage fighters who hug warmly after weeks of trash talk once" their match is over and admit all the drama was really just about promoting the fight and selling Pay-Per-Views"
Reminder: shitlords want Trump
"Democrats will be impotent messengers on democracy as long as they remain beholden to the feudal culture this crisis has exposed"
Settler Colonialism and the Engineering of Historical Amnesia
"What nobody really talks about is the stiffly vicious competition, in America, to be the biggest, most glorious victim in history"
The undeath of DemocracyImperium uncloaked
The Corporate News Media at Work
Washingtonology"In 2024 Donald Trump has been shot, found guilty of committing 34 felonies, increased his net worth by billions, been fined hundreds of millions, found to be almost completely immune from prosecution by the Supreme Court, and nominated for president and its only July
US lifts suspension on 500-pound bombs to Israel
Resisting Israeli Scholasticide and Academic Apartheid
"gotta say its pretty infuriating that seemingly every leading democrat is doing this. telling us all publicly that we have the best possible candidate to fend off fascism then the moment the camera turns away they start being honest with their friends. wall to wall pussies"
Back when nothing was bad
"This makes it clear who Trump wants to run against"
Humans are shittyMaggie's weekly
Capitalism’s New Age of Plagues. Part 7: Wildlife farms and wet markets
Private Companies in California Reap More than $100m to Sweep Homeless Camps
Isn't this what 2nd Amendment guys want?
*Yinzers,* yinzers*Yinzers,* yinzers
Dogs before and after being told that they're a good boy/girl
The NYT Book Review Is Everything Book Criticism Shouldn't Be
Read “The Priest,” a very early short story by William Faulkner
{ feuilleton }A friend turned me onto this yesterday and it's the perfect sherbet on the internet between the mouthfuls of aargh
Rest in Peace, Joe Lee, I spent hundreds of hours and way too much money at Joe's Record Paradise when it was first in Layhill then on Gude in Rockville, best record store ever
Ian Curtis (I first heard Joy Division on WHFS in 1979 when I was nineteen) was born sixty-eight years ago today


Rosmarie Waldrop

I sit in my own shadow, she says, the way my mother gave birth to it. In artificial light, blinds drawn against the darkness of power.  I think of you as if you were that shadow, a natural enclosure, a world, not a slight, so I can wander through your darkness. Has our contract inverted time, made our universe contract, a cramped bed for two? And when I say your name, do I draw water, a portrait, curtain, bridge, or conclusion?

Place there is none, he quotes. Not even to hang up our archetypes. Let alone Star-Spangled Banners. We go forward and backward, and there is no place. Therefore it is a name for God. My eye, steadfast on traffic lights, abolishes the larger part of the round world. I should look at my feet. Space sweeps through us, a hell of distances bathed in the feeble glow of emptiness. Outward mobility, unimpeded. Suddenly we’re nobody home, without any need of inattention, imposture, or talent for deceit.

The wind whips my skin as if it were water, she says. My skin is water. For wind read wind, news, sky falling. Is it a mental disturbance or the higher math of love if I hear you talking under my breath and from the torn fragments assume the sun is far away and small, and a look can cause a burn? Superstition, too, is a kind of understanding, and to forgo it may have consequences.

Clusters of possibilities whiz through our head, he says. Electric charges, clogged highway, screeching brakes, a house too full of guests. With grounds for disagreement and miscarriage. The light rushes in dry, screaming. But the opaque parts of the nerve oppose the noise and void the options. Then the project must be prolonged in terms of lack.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

You have come to a world without hate, without fear, without conflict. No war, no disease, no crime. None of the ancient evils. Landru seeks tranquillity. Peace for all. The universal good

This year's edition of the traditional post, odometer honest:
Sixty-four today, this guy. When we met in 5th grade fifty-four years ago neither of us predicted the weirdest year of our lives would be 2024.
Always this: thirty-one years ago Landru was the first human not L or me or a doctor/nurse to hold C.



And especially