Today marks the last day of the slowest week of the year in Blegsylvania, so enough blegangst over my complicity until probably tomorrow, one last bleggalgaze until the next: thanks to all who've bookmarked, subscribed, and/or blogrolled me in the past month or two, thanks to all of you who've sent eyes my way. xoxo to long-timers.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever think that this prolonged period of volatility in the capital markets generally, and specifically the exceedingly low interest rates available to reward investors for accruing excess capital, is nothing more or less than a bullet-point tactic in an un-dusty, well-thumbed, leather-bound and gilded strategic plan to break TIAA-CREF's back in order to take down the academy and the UFT all in one fell swoop? Besides gutting any vestige of scholarly independence for pay, it would be the purrfect anti-intellectual slap in the face. Adds a spice of insult to the grave financial injury, Spiro Agnew style, no?
Francis, my gut feeling is and has been that Corporate knows (or hunches) the ponzi is soon to collapse and is squeezing any and all turnips for as much juice as they can while they can. Pissing people off via Spiro Agnew style is a happy side-effect.
ReplyDeleteFrances, not Francis. My apologies.
ReplyDeleteThanks, BDR. From where I sit, a stone's throw from Wall Street, it feels like they're blowing up the next bubble as fast as they can, even as we speak! Well, that settles it; I'm going forward with my plan to open up a kissing booth. My only outlay will be dental dams, and luckily, some might say cannily, I've been hoarding.