Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't Blog While Eating Lunch and Talking to Daughter Calling from College

My apologies, hadn't plunged publish instead of save in months, but saw Planet's number on caller ID and excitedly went to save so I could talk to her and I mistakenly hit publish. I'd stopped composing on dummy site because it's a pain in the ass; guess where I'm composing now. Those who read me via readers had ten minutes to read the beginning of tomorrow's post but now have just this, like you, my apologies and a favorite song:


  1. The key is to date every draft a year ahead, so if you accidentally hit publish, only HG Wells can read it.

  2. Don't listen to Randal, he's living in the pasture.

  3. Let me guess, she wanted money. Heh. Been there...

  4. Nope! All's good. She's brave and strong.
