Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Herman Melville Memorial Picnic and Softball Game Shall Be Open to Whosoever of Ye Writes a Poem about Following thy Captain into the Maw of Hell to Kill the White Whale

Friend Richard sent along a link to an article by Rick Moody published July 11, 2012 in NewMusicBox on Pere Ubu's New Picnic Time which Moody calls, his italics, the scariest album ever made. My first response is, any excuse for a Pere Ubu cascade is a good excuse.

Have I ever mentioned that I love Pere Ubu/David Thomas projects here? Love them so much I've given them permanent status as one of three permanent members of My Sillyass Desert Island Five Game, then badgered you repeatedly with song cascades? Eight-plus years? Cause even if I responded point by point to essays - and fuck that - I'm far too immersed in my mwah to respond to this one. By and large it's fair both to the music and to Pere Ubu's history. I've never suggested that David Thomas isn't weird, difficult, Ahab, driven by demons, that he doesn't speak in tongues, a flame above his head.


Martin Espada

  1. Ye shall be free to write a poem on any subject, as long as it’s the White Whale.
  2. A gold doubloon shall be granted to the first among ye who in a poem sights the White Whale.
  3. The Call Me Ishmael Award shall be given to the best poem about the White Whale, with publication in The White Whale Review.
  4. The Herman Melville Memorial Picnic and Softball Game shall be open to whosoever of ye writes a poem about following thy Captain into the maw of hell to kill the White Whale.
  5. There shall be a free floating coffin for any workshop participant who falls overboard whilst writing a poem about the White Whale.
  6. There shall be a free leg, carved from the jawbone of a whale, for any workshop participant who is dismasted whilst writing a poem about the White Whale.
  7. There shall be a free funeral at sea, complete with a chorus of stout hearties singing sea chanteys about the White Whale, for any workshop participant who is decapitated whilst writing a poem about the White Whale.
  8. Ye who seek not the White Whale in thy poems shall be harpooned.


  1. Bethesda is America's 17th coolest city?

    I call bullshit.

  2. What thunder said.

    Gophershole and Hooterville should just merge and annex Buthesduh into the Greater Cracker Rail Line Empire. All for the glory of Gophershole, of course. Which has, as you know, always wanted to be Hooterville.

    And last: Sperm!

  3. Skrewdriver ate too much hetero chicken.
