Tuesday, January 22, 2013

At the dentist, the little mirror, the dinosaur prong is put into the mouth. Mouth: the first darkness. Nearby: the mobile with straw eyeless fishes. The dentist will go home to her family, having briefly reached inside the visible mystery and found nothing

While Barack Obama gave his Second Inaugural Speech I was getting my botched root canal fixed by the head of her dental firm, not a new young associate, and double-yay! me. And single-yay! you, who get to look up my nostrils and are spared my looking at my political soul and mirroring it back to you as an accusatory George Carlin joke, the difference between an asshole and a jerk is jerks drive faster than me, assholes slower. Regular aargh-programming resumes soon, or not. Enigma of arrival and departure. New Pere Ubu. New old Wire. Ashbery and Creeley and heroes. Several errands (the poem where this post's title is from, thank you for the Kind email, but no, I didn't write that). It's obvious. Three effing excellent hours.


  1. Dammit, I was hoping for more plagiarism. Feel better.

  2. I'm fine now, thanks. And thanks for the reminder - the first Bacau link is to the wikipedia page I c/ped but I had meant to make it clearer, then forgot.

  3. Oh. I was hoping it was deliberate civil disobedience. You suck.

  4. *!Heh!*. It was too poorly written to claim as mine. I let my own poorly written shit stand for itself.

  5. For some reason, I remember you as being purtier.

  6. Hey, Sailor! Did I still have the face mullet when you lived in Gaithershole? I don't remember when I wised-up and shaved that stupid thing off, just am daily glad - not just days I'm wrapped in shrink-seal - I did. Say hi to Old Salty for me please!

  7. Now I remember why I never go to the dentist.
