Sunday, October 13, 2013

& if that's not enough (he says to himself in the voice of a black-and-white actor whose name is a moth that keeps avoiding the tip of his flaming tongue) to bring you home, well, there it is again, already exhausted by your efforts to make it comfortable enough to stay

  • Caught last night and tweeted out. What's worse, that subhead, that Alexander says it aware of the irony, that he says it unaware of the irony?
  • My apologies, but I've re-enabled the spam-blocker in comments. What was funny at a couple of dozen a day has now turned into hundreds a day - Friday and Saturday past over three hundred - and fuck that. Thanks to everyone for their comments, I understand if between the word verification to stop spambots and mediation to stop trolls you say fuckit.
  • Shutdownkabuki in three paragraphs.
  • Some impromptu thoughts on Left unity.
  • All of you who've questioned Greenwald's motives, for what it's worth, I'm feeling you.
  • A heat vampire in search of a movie deal.
  • Hey, Susan's back from her hiatus!
  • Was going to post three photos of Confederate flags currently leading three different articles on Salon as of 8:00 AM EDT Sunday 10/13/13 and write something about it, but fuck that every single day but especially on a Sunday of a three day weekend when nobody reads this blog, so have links, songs, a poem, and a photo of my cats:


Paul Grant

Just a shadow. Hardly that. But audible.
Coming out of the woods, whispering
Happily Ever After.
                          Even in that light—
stars with the skeletons of animals
and old friends—
to the eye behind the one always
left open on the east side of the house,
downhill. Where the coffee trees
and hemp and the graves of old dogs lie,
buried themselves in leaves and left
to the sputtering wind of memory.

& if that's not enough (he says
to himself in the voice of a black-and-white
actor whose name is a moth that keeps
avoiding the tip of his flaming tongue)
to bring you home, well, there
it is again,
              already exhausted
by your efforts to make it
enough to stay. Impatient,
                                   already headed
back down into the woods, whispering
Once Upon A Time . . .


  1. Jeff,

    I don't know anybody who gives a hoot what General Keith B. Axlegrease thinks or says about anything (I can always just drop a line to my contractor, and not find out that way either), but I do know that our three cats are extremely interested in finding out what gives with the electrified eyes of your three cats.

    Plug-in or battery-powered??

    1. Photographer who thinks it's funny to keep the flash on when photographing cats is all.

      For some reason - naive wishful thinking, perhaps, as if somehow it makes them more humane - I like to think our overlords understand the irony of their public pronouncements.

  2. Wait, when did you clean up your house?
