Monday, October 7, 2013

ǝnןq sı ɐɹnɐ ɹnoʎ 'pןob sı ɐɹnɐ ʎɯ :sısɹɐɥʇɐɔ

I'm fine, thanks to those who've asked. Took a spill on a hike, am sore; arrival of impending house guest from hell (My aura is gold, yours is blue, I shit you not, Earthgirl can vouch, and she better, this is her side of the family) imminent, am angry; standard Monday at work, am muzzled, muzzled myself, indentured coward I am. Why does my free blogging platform keep pink-bannering me for errors I don't know I'm committing? Fuck it, this. Send me your bad mood songs, I'll post. If not I'll not. Regular programming resumes tomorrow, or not, but probably.


  1. I shit you not, this song came on my iTunes random play as I read your post. Felt somehow a propos your mood. "Kenneth Anger" by the Exploding Budgies.

    or this, "Something Good" by Northern Picture Library

    Hope you didn't break or concuss anything important!

    1. Nah, high ankle sprain, calf pull, couple of bruises, nothing a week of diminishing moaning (in private, here out) won't cure.

      Thanks for songs!


    I can't believe we overlooked this fundamental truth in our devotion to Freddie Mercury.

  3. Frank Zappa - My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama+Willie The Pimp - 1984 Texas

  4. a) i hadn't looked up landru's youtube suggestion before making mine

    b)last night at walt whitman high school in bethesda tara brach quoted the following poem:


    by Martha Postlewaite

    Do not try to save
    the whole world
    or do anything grandiose.
    Instead, create
    a clearing
    in the dense forest
    of your life
    and wait there
    until the song
    that is your life
    falls into your own cupped hands
    and you
    recognize and greet it.
    Only then will you know
    how to give yourself
    to this world
    so worth of rescue.
