Friday, August 15, 2014



Let me just say this about that: if Rand Paul wins POTUS 16 - and for the record I don't think Rand Paul will win POTUS 16, I don't think he will be permitted to win the GOP nomination for POTUS 16 - remember Ferguson 14, when Paul spoke out against the militarization of police and spoke forthrightly about the state of racial inequalities of legal justice in America while the current POTUS, a motherfucker, took five minutes to step off the Fifth Tee and his round of golf with rich Democratic fundraisers to offer mumbly centrist bullshit of nothingness. Does it matter if each was equally cynical?

  • We had dinner last night with my brother-in-law's family. His wife's son is a twenty year old rising junior at V____. Talk, as it inevitably does, turned to politics, to Ferguson. The kid - he's fine, this is not knock - sounded like I must have at twenty. The context may have been different, but the assuredness of opinion expressed in his considered worldly experience, the passion of his convinced philosophy, reminded me of me at twenty. Me at fifty-five.
  • Fabricating a war out of nothing.
  • Gertrude Stein on public servants and war.
  • Excerpt: on moral repair after wrongdoing.
  • Ferguson: an overview.
  • On an obamaphile's brief and fleeting obamapostasy.
  • ISIS v US: contrast and compare.
  • Peter Gizzi.
  • Ashbery's Snowball in Hell.
  • I can't find my copy - I think I lent it to someone with whom I've lost contact, of April Galleons (the book Snowball in Hell comes from) and I can't find the poem online and while I have access to a university library's stacks I don't have access right this minute. I'll get you the poem soon. Let's be honest: I'll get me the poem soon. You don't care.
  • So, guess what I've been rewatching.
  • The genesis of fine metaphors abound:


Douglas Kearney


  1. from the gir l that was too mind blowing of a very different shine wit .. in some way for foley when he came in to the book shop that sh' worked out of ..years ago, -my tor. .. have a look at- twitch city- ca broadcasting , add in scott thompson in a hip wig there shown above , and the chicken lady ..and you have someth. of my ancient in youth of .. . in the hall ..where .. ,sh' hee s

  2. "the cats were brought in to replace the mon keys .. "

  3. the jpg thunder points to - modeled after michelangelo - reminds me of a news story, this week, about the evolution of life on earth - it seems that the perplexing origin of the split between the archaea and the bacteria has finally been figured out, giving us a clearer picture of our last universal common ancestor (LUCA)

    A four billion-year-old mystery surrounding the one common ancestor of all life on Earth has been solved by scientists.

    All life evolved from a single celled organism known as life's Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA). However, few details are known about what it looked like, how it lived and how it evolved.

    Now scientists at University College London (UCL) have discovered that LUCA had a "leaky membrane" which allow it to absorb energy, while still holding the other components necessary for life inside it.

    Researchers discovered this by modelling how the LUCA's membrane changed to enable its decedents to move to more challenging environments, and eventually evolve into two distinct types of single-celled organisms: bacteria and archaea.

    Data suggests LUCA lived in ancient seawater where liquid dense with protons (sub-atomic particles positively charged with electricity) mixed with warm alkaline fluid from vents which had fewer protons.

    The difference in concentrations allowed protons to flow into the cell, which led to the production of a molecule called ATP. This transfers energy through a cell, powering its growth.

    However, experts say this could only have happened if the membrane was 'leaky' – in that it allowed protons to leave the cell spontaneously, so more could enter to boost growth.

    The study's leader Nick Lane said: "In these deep sea vents, there is a continuous flow of alkaline fluids which mix with the ocean waters. When they mix, the fluids neutralise each other, and that stops any build-up of charge which would otherwise prevent protons flowing into the cell.

    "If the first cells had leaky membranes, then protons could enter and then be neutralised, or leave again, almost as if there was no barrier at all. What we've shown is that the rate at which protons enter and leave is high enough to power the growth of cells via proteins embedded in the membrane.

    "So LUCA could have been powered by natural proton gradients in vents, but only if it had a really leaky membrane, completely unlike today's cells."

    Victor Sojo, the first author of the study, said: "Exploiting gradients is universal across all life, but understanding how LUCA used one to drive growth gave us a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem: LUCA wouldn't make a gradient if it didn't know how to exploit it, but how could it learn how to exploit a gradient if it didn't make one in the first place? We propose that natural proton gradients provide a solution because LUCA didn't have to make the gradient; it was already there for free."

    Ion pumping (which enables cells to store energy) and phospholipid membranes (cell walls made of fat cells) then evolved independently in archaea and bacteria.

    The study was published in the journal PLoS Biology.

    1. The jpg came from one of BDR's links.

      It's so perfect, I might have to borrow/steal/share it.
