Ian Curtis was born 60 years ago today. The standard Egoslavian Ian Curtis Birthday post.
>> Deleted standard Egoslavian Birthday post monologue for __________ <<
With this: youngsters, there was a time when Joy Division changed things, or so we believed. I need to learn to forgive myself for once believing in things I once believed.
Songs are fresher to me than since Since. Strange days have pluses. Fuck my fucking No Dancing Rules.
- Requested ▲ by Mr Alarum.
- One of my Hillaryite Colleagues is nervous again, stunned by Hillary's plummeting polls since Comey justly called her a serial liar and regal jackass with neither interest in or competence for following rules mere mortals must. He's leading in Ohio and Pennsylvania and Florida, HC said. O look, I said, pointing to the big screen in the Student Union, a truck plowed into a Bastille Day crowd in France. HC said, this is nuts. Students rushed through the Student Union holding cell phones in front of their faces, screaming at each other like battle bugles. It's dress rehearsal, I said.
- Kuebiko.
- The rot of liberal white supremacy.
- The future is our feudalist past.
- Liberals.
- Eileen Myles' poem Evolution. It's today poem, but it doesn't fit this blog but is where I got today's post's title. Or would have been until I watched the end of Transmission. It's below the fold. Please read the poem, unless you don't want to.
- Tenuous and precarious.
- There was once a time there was always a New Order song in my head. O?
- My friend Barry sent me Joy Division requests, this one below and some of the below the fold.