Sunday, November 11, 2018

All the Birds Call Your Name As They Land on My Kitchen Roof

  • Andy Partridge, born sixty-five years ago today, XTC (& Dukes ) in innermost rotation of My Sillyass Deserted Island Five Game,
  • also notable: my collection was played at Earthgirl's request every Kensington to Frederick to Hagerstown to Hancock to Cumberland to Morgantown to Washington to Wheeling to Zanesville to and from Bamgier to visit Planet at college, and (thank Baal for shuffle) each time through better than the last.
  • An email sent yesterday about yesterday: Adding, like advil, Timicin.
  • Also too: Who leaked the galley of my Knausgaardian autonovel to you?
  • I bought White Music at Sights and Sounds in Gaithersburg, opposite Grace United Methodist Church at Walker and Frederick, 1977.

  • I can still replay in my head all 385 miles of Kensington to Frederick to Hagerstown to Hancock to Cumberland to Morgantown to Washington to Wheeling to Zanesville to Bamgier, I love much of the 385 miles of Kensington to Frederick to Hagerstown to Hancock to Cumberland to Morgantown to Washington to Wheeling to Zanesville to Bamgier, I never need to drive the 385 miles of Kensington to Frederick to Hagerstown to Hancock to Cumberland to Morgantown to Washington to Wheeling to Zanesville to Bamgier again.
  • Click for more XTC.
  • TODAY'S SHITSTORM! (Psst. Trump was sulking plus afraid his hair would get wet on live TV so stayed in hotel room, watched Fox, tweeted, called in sick on big deal re: using dead soldiers as props for Capitalist glories, 
  • and while it's true if a Democratic POTUS did this every fuck defending Trump would call for the Democratic POTUS to die slowly, cut out his heart and let him watch it stop beating, please shut the front door, they all have their scripts and a job to keep,
  • and I want my American POTUS to skip all commercials using dead soldiers as props for Capitalist glories, don't you?)
  • I never designated an Egoslavian Theme Song Nine, it's been years since I designated Theme Song Eight, would probably need do research to remember designated Egoslavian Theme Songs Three thru Eight, but ta-da, Egoslavian Theme Song Nine!


Alicia Ostriker

If time is an arrow, what is its target
If a Flexible Flyer is the sled I had as a child, when may I become a child again
Do you need help digging the potatoes out of your garden of insults
Do you plan to vote in the next election
Is our country headed in the right direction or the wrong direction
             and what did the bulldozer tell the yellow helmet’s ear
Which part of your body is like biting into a ripe peach
             which part shames you like a rotten banana
Would you like to find out how to lower your interest rate
When you go to heaven how old will you choose to be
             will you have cocktails on the well-watered lawn
                         where Bach conducts Bach
Will you still chase after the Grateful Dead
Is your life like air leaking out of a balloon, or like rain falling on a pond
            dot dot dot      dear pocks     pocking the surface     dot dot dot
Can it be like snow falling on the ocean
Can desire drown you like syrup over pancakes
When an ambulance siren wakes you at 3 a.m. do you feel relieved
            not to be strapped to that stretcher
                         speeding toward the grim unknown
                                       do you then snuggle next to someone
Are you satisfied with your detergent
Can you name a more perfect irony than the new world trade center, sacred icon of
            capitalism, revered lingam of profit, soaring above the 
memorial pools
                                        of people killed when the first towers fell
Can you describe the scent of dried blood
What about the smell of iron chains in your cell
             can you sing the threnody of the maggots
When I removed my mask did I frighten you
             like a drone crossing your sky
Are you satisfied with your auto insurance
When ecstasy approaches why do you resist
             What are you afraid of
                          Can you please unbutton your shirt now


  1. Knausgaardian autonovel? What, he's writing about cars, now ("Min Volvo")?

    1. Extreme inside joke (plus general joke considering I think Knausgaard shit and most autonovels (besides Murnane's) too).

    2. And, Karl-O managed to alienate just about everyone close to him in service to the, uh, Work he produced. I respect that, but couldn't make it through Vol. 1.

      It was like accepting some absurdist Challenge, like a 25-mile route march with half a canteen and a wet sock: the assumption that reading it would build character should have been a Big Red Flag. Once inside, it was like being in a giant Karl Land theme park -- and then realized I had kept thinking, You pissed off your wife and your whole family for this?

  2. FWIW: Novel in progress (#4 btw) contains a section/character parodying his Nordic highness's narcissistic flashing.
