Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Song Rolled Up As a Cat

FIRST DRAFT, a pantoum albeit without ABAB, on that ship stuck in the canal and the poetaster as a specialized suction dredger

A specialized suction dredger arrived to dig the fat-assed ship out
Hollowing a hollow already over-hollowed and honored for its hollow
our Corporate business model. Crematorium moratorium
nimble as a fat ship in a narrow canal o! sandstorm

Hollowing a hollow already over-hollowed and honored for its hollow
full-time job for a bottom-dwelling suction dredger
nimble as a fat ship in a narrow canal o! sandstorm
I do think Janina who hates her name but loved her dogs the murderer

full-time job for a bottom-dwelling suction dredger
The masters’ little caterpillars can’t fix the masters’ grounded aorta o’profit
I do think Janina who hates her name but loved her dogs the murderer
Imagine the carnage when bars in full fly final lap flags for the out of practice

The masters’ little caterpillars can’t fix the masters’ grounded aorta o’profit

Shitlords parleyed bets on “sandstorm” v clotted canal shipping, won big!

Imagine the carnage when bars in full fly final lap flags for the out of practice

I am here to type my lack of damn about what I just wrote a pantoum, me

Shitlords parleyed bets on “sandstorm” v clotted canal shipping, won big!
our Corporate business model. Crematorium moratorium
I am here to type my lack of damn about what I just wrote a pantoum, me
a specialized suction dredger arriving to dig the fat-assed ship out

Forgive me, not only did the foreshadowed crash not bottom out, the wheel trending upward, happy ramifications of not obsessing daily reminders of eternal truths about that fucking animal Human addressed in bleggalgaze below, may the blessing of what the fuck grace you too
Science versus pseudo-science
Poetry and industrial accident and Muriel Rukeyser
(not mine) BleggalgazeThe hurry up and die in post-Trump Blegsylvania is hurrying up, the great blegroll lassitude getting rapidly deader
Bleggalgaze Mine: Still in the mood to skip daily documentation of Clusterfuckduh in Shitlordia, to get (sometimes more than one) daily dose please check out >>>xymphora
Jekyll IslandBletting the medlar
Lee Krasner's elegant destructions
Maggie's weekly links{ feuilleton }'s weekly links
Rest in Peace, Adam Zagajewski
Robert Ashley, innermost circle of my rotating three non-permanent seats in My Sillyass Deserted Island Five Game, born ninety-two years ago today



Adam Zagajewski
                                             Translated by Renata Gorczynski

Don't allow the lucid moment to dissolve
Let the radiant thought last in stillness
though the page is almost filled and the flame flickers
We haven't risen yet to the level of ourselves
Knowledge grows slowly like a wisdom tooth
The stature of a man is still notched
high up on a white door
From far off, the joyful voice of a trumpet
and of a song rolled up like a cat
What passes doesn't fall into a void
A stoker is still feeding coal into the fire
Don't allow the lucid moment to dissolve
On a hard dry substance
you have to engrave the truth


  1. A colleague yesterday morn referred to the "Schlepper" that partially loosed your inspired pantoum's fat-assed ship. I commented that we could all use a schlepper.

    1. Im der Alten Tage ich ein Schlepper war. Suspect all of us have been at one time or another.

  2. Hi, I've been digitally unavailable due to some health stuff. It's actually somewhat refreshing. Reading Klara now. Also The Peregrine, non-fiction. And Open City, by Teju Cole. Most reading in ages—like you, apparently. Thanks for the linkage!

    1. Best wishes you're over the worse of what ails you and are back on the trails again soon

    2. Thanks, man! Gradually creeping out of it.
