Daniel Borzutzky
we look at our verbs and feel apathy and remorse
we look at our nouns and feel apathy and remorse
there is a mood of terror in the capitals of the industrialized democracies
we’ll jump off that bridge when we get there
the economic war against the industrialized democracies is not about how many soybeans the hegemons are going to buy
the economic war is not about steel or coal or aluminum
you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it shit in the woods
the economic war can only be won in the deep verticals of state capital
the Wall Street and Washington juntas will interrupt the unification of the world’s highest-performing economies
love is a sexy kind of regulatory apparatus
and when you cut off its capital and make your lover play by the rules then everybody can feel like an economic superpower
there is a mood of terror in the marketplace
should I destroy the nation-state or should I take a nap
should I destroy the foundations of our liberal democracy or should I take a nap
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
there is a mood of terror in the center of the city
he could not decide if he wanted to take a nap or dominate the fields of artificial intelligence industrial espionage and supercomputing
we could not decide if we wanted to take a nap or dominate the field of financial derivatives
there is a mood of exhilaration among the taxpayers
the economic war is being fought one democracy at a time
there is a mood of hunger among the proletariat
you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it destroy the means of production
there is a mood of restlessness among the political elite
the economic war is being fought one reluctant consumer at a time
you can dominate the fields of artificial intelligence and industrial espionage if you cultivate a growth mindset and develop some political grit
there is a mood of fear in the industrialized democracies
the rising price of crude oil does not concern me when I am playing with a dog or a baby
it is not possible to give water to a horse who will not drink of its own accord
the parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are afraid of living and afraid of dying
they think they understand how to manage their risk
there is a mood of exasperation at the Centers for Disease Control
the rising price of crude oil does not concern me when I am lifting weights or having an orgasm
it is a mistake to believe the next economic downturn will look just like the last one
there is a mood of consternation among the bankers
it is a mistake to believe the next emotional downturn will look just like the last one
there is a mood of consternation among the lovers and the investors
earnings estimates have plummeted but sales revenues continue to reach all-time highs
this is an emotional poem that communicates feelings of consternation exhilaration exasperation terror panic remorse apathy and as such it reaffirms the justification of the continuation of our lives
there is a mood of desperation among the investors
I suspect there will be more volatility but the most important thing is that we have remained in a secular market
according to Camus the only serious philosophical question is suicide but he couldn’t see the forest of long-term spiritual profit because it was blocked by the short-term trees of existential panic
there is a mood of deregulation among the lovers
if you change something on the policy front if you and your lover make a big expenditure then decide to tighten your belts the economy will languish and we will all be back in the muddle
there is a mood of fear among the investors
I don’t think we’re heading toward a recession but if we continue on the same path then we’ll end up in a downward spiral from which we will never be able to recover
there is a mood of resignation among the investors
love is a sexy kind of regulatory apparatus that profits in the boldest of markets
I am tired of faith but I still believe that God can communicate through the broken mouth of a broken child
you are tired of faith but you still believe that God can communicate through the broken mouth of a broken child
we are tired of faith but we still believe that God can communicate through the broken mouth of a broken child
faith is a thing with feathers
there is mood of hostility among the regulators
there will be more volatility but we will welcome the short-term pain if it leads to long-term gain
there is a mood of resentment in London and on Wall Street
should I strengthen my portfolio or should I destroy the nation-state
should I pursue my blood debts or should I destroy the nation-state
should I have brunch or should I redistribute the wealth
it is a mistake to underestimate the degree to which bland word choice can undermine the effectiveness of your messaging
speaking of borzutsky's poems i am reminded of one - HOW I GOT HERE - i read here three years ago and commented on, bringing in various other sociopoliticohistoricultural allusions - see
and in the poem posted today borzutsky speaks of the forest of long term spiritual profit and short term trees of existential panic
i am reminded of gurdjieff's remarks on oaks and acorns which i have posted here twice - see
a reading of the relevant passage from fritz peters' book about his boyhood with gurdjieff can be heard at
i intend to go on today to read - from the offerings linked to above - about 'the woke meritocracy' and 'why bumblebees love cats'
at costco today they had morningstar farms plant-based quasi sausage patties - i bought two boxes