Thursday, June 7, 2012

He Wanted to Get into the Club, the Club He Was Clubbed Outside of

That's my and SeatSix's home course, Seneca Creek State Park in Gaithersburg MD. Those golfers are Premiership, I'm not even Conference South. SeatSix, Dr Z, and I played 27 this past Sunday afternoon, all throwing north of 100. Dr Z said, we should just consider, when pins are all in C or D, par 4 per hole, not to make us feel better but to make the in-your-head math easier: since four is the most likely score for chumps like us, keeping track of deviations from four is less finger-counting than deviations from three, which is traditional par in disc regardless of tee played or pin placement.

New tablet rules is/are new tablet rules as I detail how I fill a new tablet with page after bleeded into/out of new pieces on new rules on how I kill old rules. No matter how we change the scoring the winner and losers remain the same though both the differential between up and down grows wider as what we define as moral victory slides relatively. New problems rush to fill the vacuum of deleted fixed rules. The project will appear in full here and partially here. I mean, verily, fuck it. As always, fine metaphors abound.


D.A. Powell

That pip in the pear is a blackbird. Tussle on the grass a grackle.

     It is officially spring. Watch:

Some kids pulling up BURIED WATER PIPE flags. And next to

     them the little violets. Rain violets. The flags are blue.

The sycamores are just greening. "The world in fact is just,"

     Chaos said. And we believed him, who called himself

the most difficult thing he could think of. He wanted to get into

     the club. The club he was clubbed outside of.

Later, it'll matter that there's no marker. Before he was Chaos,

     Robin he was, because he stole. Was blank before.

A bronze angel thoughtfully placed for all who grieve a child.

     Of course a child. What else might you have lost.


  1. EURO 12 starts tomorrow. I've no juice whatsoever.

    R.G. is all over it.

  2. Screw the transit of Venus? It's unconnected to anything that really matters to us? The transit gave us the key to most of what we know about the solar system. That really matters to us. Every day.

    Space shots.
    This stuff:

    Also Glen Echo.

    Which was segregated for 63 years until sit-ins forced the owners to integrate in 1961. As (George) Santayana said ...

  3. Links thanks, and I should market Randal Juice. One sip and you too can be an uninformed, metal hermit.

    Anthro guy sure is cranky. I guess I'd be too after realizing I had wasted time watching Enterprise.

  4. And it was the Transit of Venus that first brought Mason & Dixon together when they both shipped to Indonesia to monitor it, at least in Pynchon's novel which, now that I'm done with Mantel's *Bringing Up the Bodies* (more about later, or not), I might push its rereading up to four books away. And yes, Glen Echo was notorious for its Jim Crow.

    Randal, luckily Voyager and DS9 killed it for me so that I never saw an Enterprise.
