Monday, August 27, 2012

1, 2, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144

Couple of months ago I posted about David Thomas offering living room concerts, yesterday I got pings from seven different cities in three different countries on David Thomas living room concerts. Go on, google that, I'm on page two. I believe this calls for a song:

Self-palimpsesting bastard, me. I've a PDF for each first and middle and last washes, the invasion, the occupation, the post-colonialization. The below is the above tablet page occupied, is how this tablet page invades the next tablet page. I never let the pages of a live poem go bone dry for seven days though I only PDF days one, four and seven. I tell myself, I'll remember that Day Two wash, don't clutter the hard-drive with six PDF a day (I'm working from both ends of tablet towards a middle that only exists physically), but of course I both do some and don't others. Driving Planet back to college today, plus ____________________________ and __________________________ and _______________________, none of the last three good. Can't blog about it, though I can write about it. More later, or not.


  1. It's as if you put actual effort into the creation and presentation of your versifying. What the hell is wrong with you?

  2. I like your driving video.

    You've been visiting Ohio a lot more than I have, these last few months.

  3. On the other hand, your failure to figure out how to keep pictures from covering up your left-hand blogroll is a bit disturbing.

  4. It's the right blogroll the photos cover unless you're reading the blog upside down. And here, let me do a Landru imitation: Dogma-N knows perfectly well how to size the photos so they fit within the margin, the moran spills them over the margins because he thinks it looks good.

    Is true.
