Any excuse to post Pere Ubu. Wanna hear three demos of new songs for a new album, Carnival of Souls, coming this September? Maybe there will be a tour, like last September. the above video, shot by me, this shitty blog's Theme Song Two (it always has been since day one, look directly left when this post is at the top), at Rock and Roll Hotel on H Street, Earthgirl and Hamster and Mr Alarum and Richard were there! They opened with a kickass
- Holyfuck - and those of you who know this chorus can sing along - Did you know Pere Ubu/David Thomas projects have one of three permanent seats in My Sillyass Deserted Island Five Game?
- Privacy v Surveillance: a Debate.
- In ten years we will have zero privacy?
- European Democracy is roadkill?
- Has Capitalism seen its day?
- Five Liberal tendencies that plagued Occupy?
- Everything is broken?
- Photography is not a crime.
- I haven't seen his name or thought about Mencius Moldbug in ages.
- Lordy, Moldbug's acolytes and imitators.
- The secret language of dog play.
- Purple Line! Chevy Chase millionaires will be damned - DAMNED! - if they'll give up property value to ease the east-west MOCO transportation nightmares of their minimum wage maids and gardeners!
- Purple Line! Chevy Chase millionaires will be damned - DAMNED! - if they'll give up property value to ease the east-west MOCO transportation nightmares of their minimum wage maids and gardeners!
- Verily, Ajay Bhatt: Asshole. They are all assholes, but Ajay Bhatt is King.
- Reed shredding.
- I disagree with the premise - many of these bands had more than one hit - but here, 80 one hit bands from the 80s.
- Last night on his show, during the first mic-break after a set that included new Swans, Dan Bodah talked about the rave reviews coming in for the new album from unlikely corners, that the band might finally make it big. Of all the bands I never thought I'd have to fight the my favorite band was great until they made it big and now they suck, I liked them before it was cool to like them, Swans is up there with Pere Ubu. I actually don't have to worry about either, even if they make it big.
- Bevis Frond reissued.
- Some Bevis Frond songs.
Lisa Jarnot
This is the best way to do things. This is the very best way to do things. This is the very best way to do things exactly right right now and these are the right people doing the right things and these are the right people doing the right things at the right time and these are the right people doing the right things at the right time in the right places and these are the right people doing the right things to the right things at the right places and these are the people that are exactly right and these exactly right people are doing their thing which is right and this is the right thing to do at the right time which is right now and right now everything is exactly right now where it is.
too many provoking links there , / -slap, i like the group ed photo of the last before video played , a fine balance.. of the bleached out hair to the right looking at the screen,