Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I'm a Pale Intruder on an Unknown Beach

Here's that whole album. I fell asleep a week ago and thought I heard the DJ say that Peter Jefferies was touring America but I thought I was dreaming but discovered today that Peter Jefferies is touring America. The closest he gets to DC is Philadelphia a week from tomorrow, Thursday October 2, at the First Unitarian Church Side Chapel. I love Peter Jefferies' music, Earthgirl can vouch, she begs me to turn it off whenever I play it in the car which is often. I want to go. I will go - and drive - if anyone comes with me. CALL MY BLUFF! Tickets are only $12, you only have to buy gas. Fuck, you don't even need to buy gas. Fuck, I'll buy your ticket. CALL MY BLUFF!

