Tuesday, February 14, 2017

We Feel More Imprisoned by Walls with Cracks in Them

  • I am not a hardware guy, people can vouch, but when I do need go to a hardware store I go here rather than that orange store nearby mile further and a couple of dollars cheaper.
  • Buy local when (and while) you can.
  • What I miss most in that shopping center at the corner of Connecticut and Knowles is the audio store/recording studios in that Art Deco curve storefront. It's now a Chipotle.
  • Developers actively over the course of years worked to strip the strip of its Art Deco.
  • Youngsters, once whole stores were dedicated to selling turntables and speakers, though this place also had recording studios, you could walk in and sit and listen to bands recording and smoke dope.
  • If you'd told the me then I'd be the me now, 24 years homeowner in Kensington. 
  • This is true: one of my first jobs out of high school was driving RXs for Wheaton Pharmacy. It once was directly on the corner of University and Georgia in that Art Deco strip mall develops have actively.... Anyway, a regular delivery was to Saul Road, between Cedar and Connecticut so not my neighborhood, but....
  • Triumfator. If you click one today make it this one.


Bill Knott

We feel more imprisoned
by walls with cracks in them
than by walls that are smooth
and featureless: the latter

do not mock us with examples
of breach, morals of escape -
indeed, as further punishment
our cells from side to side

are fissured with gaps not wide
enough for exits, of course;
but through which can be seen

fair glimpses of all the others
penned around us, the ones
who deserve this sentence.


  1. 1)our local hardware store shut down several years ago - it is missed

    2)with respect to pharmacies, i miss "people's drug store" - it was a capitalist chain, admittedly, but a chain with a socialist name
    3)in knott's poem, "pir cells" is a typo for our cells; and "exists" should be exits

    1. Thanks, fixed. Typos are a major reason I only type these in when I cannot find another delivery system.

  2. The depth of possible interpretation strewn throughout the Pass This On video is infectious, beautiful, and ominous.

    I f'ing loathe every time I hear of a lease not being renewed, and the like. It's at the bottom of the big & small of it all. Irony abounding: Three blocks from my childhood home was the largest cinema in our state, an old fashioned relic as one might imagine (though that never occurred to me then), a place I visited with the frequency of a movie-for-movie's-sake obsessed kid. When I returned from my initial sojourn from the nest, the marquee revealed it to be an Ace Hardware.
