Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Other Too-Long Postponed Departures

  1. The first new Pere Ubu song on what Thomas says is last Pere Ubu album
  2. UPDATE before the post is posted but after I tweeted out the new song last night! 
  3. says Ubuprojex twitter in response to my tweet: 
  4. Not necessarily the last. Big misconception we’re trying to clarify - this album is the end of what Pere Ubu have been doing for 40+years... DT did not believe he would be around to make another so he purposefully set out to make this one the answer, the summation...

  1. Last night I tweeted I love this iteration of Pere Ubu as much as the others 
  2. but listening again since, no, I blame me, listening again yes maybe I need silo again
  3. Could be none or one or many more iterations of Pere Ubu yet* (Michael Gira's bot sent me an email asking me to donate to a new Swans and I gave him $50, I should be in the liner notes as cheapest ass level to have name in liner notes haven't heard back) and *all* Thomas projects archived as only one of two in my waning MSADI5G (and I haven't listened to the other in months either)
  4. *I wrote this sentence before getting the tweets from ubuprojex
  5. The usb port in my car died haven't bothered to fix for two months....
  6. I've new CDs from donating to WFMU marathon, wonderful new to me listens!
  7. poetry new to me working!
  8. please name me new to me a novel not a dead author please not an author I've already read
  9. (Proust *is* working but I need another to sherbet Proust and so Proust can sherbet it)
  10. My favorite iteration of Pere Ubu, and easily one of a dozen most posted videos here, I was there:


Mary Barnard

Rotting in the wet gray air
the railroad depot stands deserted under
still green trees. In the fields
cold begins an end.

There were other too-long-postponed departures.
They left, finally, because of well water
gone rank, the smell of fungus, the chill
of rain in chimneys.

The spot is abandoned even in memory.
They knew, locking doors upon empty houses,
to leave without regret is to lose
title to one home forever.


  1. Emanuel Carrere, "The Moustache". Also a French movie of the same title helmed by Carrere. (ou La Moustache). Kafka, Robbe-Grillet inspired fun.

    1. Good thing I have access to a university library's ILL service!


  2. do you know In the Distance, by Hernan Diaz? I thought it was terrific; I also liked Milkman by Anna Burns

    1. You're the second person - Bruce of @greenroofgrower did yesterday recommend the Diaz, so I'll give it a try.

      I did try Milkman but too soon after finishing Black Leopard Red Wolf, not fair to Milkman, I'll wait a month and try it again.

