Saturday, July 13, 2019

These Are the Words the Voice Was Repeating

This year's edition of the traditional post, odometer honest:

Fifty-nine today, this guy. When we met in 5th grade fifty years ago neither of us predicted the weirdest year of our lives would be 2019.

Always this: twenty-six years ago Landru was the first human not Earthgirl or me or a doctor/nurse to hold Planet.



And especially


  1. Replies
    1. On the downhill slide to the big 6-0!! A mere child. Best!

  2. Make new friends, but keep the old;
    Those are silver, these are gold.
    New-made friendships, like new wine,
    Age will mellow and refine.

    Friendships that have stood the test --
    Time and change -- are surely best;
    Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray;
    Friendship never knows decay.

    For ‘mid old friends, tried and true,
    Once more we our youth renew.
    But old friends, alas! may die;
    New friends must their place supply.

    Cherish friendship in your breast --
    New is good, but old is best;
    Make new friends, but keep the old;
    Those are silver, these are gold.

    Joseph Parry (1841-1903) Welsh composer and musician

    adapted for a girl scout song in the late 19th century


    also from the magnetic fields - "all my little words" - video composed of vintage film excerpts
