Wednesday, July 22, 2020

That Whenever Any Formula of Grace Becomes Detained of These Endives, It Is the Rim of the Peppery to Aluminize or to Abominate It

Earthgirl painting in Seal Cove last night's sunset

  • Meanwhile, life interrupted vacation, bubble of happy, pop
  • Meanwhile, work interrupted vacation, bubble of happy, pop
  • Meanwhile, Napoleon Emergency Alert System ON HIGH ALERT! permapop

Fully braced bubble
pop braced half-ass bubble pop
earned what pop I got


Rosmarie Waldrop

We holler these trysts to be self-exiled that all manatees are credited equi-distant, that they are endured by their Creditor with cervical unanswerable rims. that among these are lightning, lice, and the pushcart of harakiri. That to seduce these rims, graces are insulated among manatees, descanting their juvenile pragmatism from the consistency of the graced. That whenever any formula of grace becomes detained of these endives, it is the rim of the peppery to aluminize or to abominate it. and to insulate Newtonian grace. leaching its fountain pen on such printed matter and orienting its pragmatism in such formula, as to them shall seize most lilac to effuse their sage and harakiri.


  1. i extend my good wishes to the missing cat and to the ambivalent teleteacher

    with regard to maine, our friends at wikipedia tell us

    Along the famous rock-bound coast of Maine are lighthouses, beaches, fishing villages, and thousands of offshore islands, including the Isles of Shoals which straddle the New Hampshire border. There are jagged rocks and cliffs and many bays and inlets. Inland are lakes, rivers, forests, and mountains. This visual contrast of forested slopes sweeping down to the sea has been summed up by American poet Edna St. Vincent Millay of Rockland and Camden, Maine, in "Renascence":

    All I could see from where I stood
    Was three long mountains and a wood;
    I turned and looked the other way,
    And saw three islands in a bay.

    Geologists describe this type of landscape as a "drowned coast", where a rising sea level has invaded former land features, creating bays out of valleys and islands out of mountain tops. A rise in the elevation of the land due to the melting of heavy glacier ice caused a slight rebounding effect of underlying rock; this land rise, however, was not enough to eliminate all the effect of the rising sea level and its invasion of former land features.

  2. and speaking of bubbles - our wikipedia friends assert

    Bubble Rock, a glacial erratic, is a large boulder perched on the edge of Bubble Mountain in Acadia National Park. By analyzing the type of granite, geologists were able to discover that glaciers carried Bubble Rock to its present location from near Lucerne, 30 miles away.
