Tuesday, December 14, 2021

When People Challenge a God the Gods Curse Them w the Label of Madness

The day after the viral video of public school teachers desperately scooping up dollars to spend on school supplies exploded Time Magazine named Elon Musk *Person of the Year* 

I put the CWCF back in banner and the reason why. Wait till you see emergency room nurses wrestle for latex gloves. My brother and sister-in-law own a home in Delaware that will be underwater in ten years maximum, and, o, Bangladesh, population 163,000,000, too. I'm slothrop

Had my Uncle Wayne not died two months before Nesmith Nesmith's death would have been a hearty mention and two songs in a daypost and not a standalone waaah, I've been remembering when I was young once, once, fossil hunting off 40 east of Uniontown when ten or so, Wayne warned me about inevitable disastrous climate change (we parked at an abandoned coke oven), his kids played Monkees with me and Elric 7, the second time I've mentioned him this post

Wayne was a public school teacher as was his wife Agnes as was Agnes' sister my mother as was my father as is my wife as is my daughter. My wife has spent well over $50K of our money over the years for art supplies for her students. Notice, the teachers aren't fighting each other, just scooping up what each can in each one's space, far fiercer competition between shitlords trying to blast into space, the teachers are mocked, the shitlords lauded

The Big Blue Bible: I've met Jacob whose books I'm reading, he's a horny con-man, I'm meeting his entourage, getting their back stories, they are smart, devout fools, I don't understand 99/100ths of the Jewish religious rites and terms and texts cited but I understand arguing about faith and tribalism so I understand what's being argued if not the precise terms of those demands, so onward. Not love enough yet to guarantee completion but enough promise of love I still plan to complete, faith and tribalism all I write about, their sweet curses and damning blessings

Against doomsday scenarios
The judicial kidnapping of Julian Assange
Defending America's right to lie
40 acres and a mule are not fucking happening
The execution of Julian Assange
The secretive world of union busting
The US is the most special nation in the history of the world
Helmetball: best metaphor for Shitlord America
Avedon Carol's occasional links
Maggie's weekly links
{ feuilleton }'s weekend links


C. Dale Young

One of them grants you the ability
to forecast the future; another wrenches
your tongue from your mouth, changes you
into a bird precisely because you have been
given this gift. The gods are generous
in this way. I learned to avoid danger, avoid fear,
avoid excitement, these the very triggers that prompt
my wings from their resting place deep inside.
And so, I avoided fights, avoided everything really.
In the locker room, I avoided other boys,
all the while intently studying that space
between their shoulder blades, patiently looking
for the tell-tale signs, looking to find even
one other boy like me, the wings buried but
there nonetheless. I studied them from a distance.
When people challenge a god, the gods curse them
with the label of madness. It is all very convenient.
And meanwhile, a god took the form of a swan
and raped a girl by the school gates. Another
took the shape of an eagle to abduct a boy
from the football field. Mad world.
And what about our teachers? Our teachers
expected us to sit and listen. In Theology, there was
a demon inside each of us; in History,
the demons among us. So many demons
in this world. Who among us could have spoken up
against the gods, the gods who continued living
among us? They granted wishes and punishments
much the way they always had. Very few noticed them
casually taking the shape of one thing or another.