Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thin Taps Leading Away to Collapse

thoughtomorrowHoly Dayhow's

2022 February 21New Claire Rousay
Mass extinction, why should we care?
The naked face of new normal fascism
There are other ways to understand stuff
Grand corruption as a systematic parasite on society
Our new cloud-based ruling class
*Objectivity* is a useless non-concept
What happened to Giorgio Agamben?
Perhaps the United States should shut the fuck up about respecting other countries' sovereignty
The day Russia's patience ran out
MithridatisationTwo treesUpdate: on George's birthday and the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Montgomery County's early water mills!
The interplay between literary genre and a rapidly changing planet
Moldenke: On the fiction of David Ohle
Kathleen Tankersley Young?
Rest in Peace, Mark Lanegan

be careful

Ed Roberson

i must be careful about such things as these.
the thin-grained oak.    the quiet grizzlies scared
into the hills by the constant tracks squeezing
in behind them closer in the snow.    the snared
rigidity of the winter lake.    deer after deer
crossing on the spines of fish who look up and stare
with their eyes pressed to the ice.   in a sleep.  hearing
the thin taps leading away to collapse like the bear
in the high quiet.   i must be careful not to shake
anything in too wild an elation.    not to jar
the fragile mountains against the paper far-
ness.   nor avalanche the fog or the eagle from the air.
of the gentle wilderness i must set the precarious
words.   like rocks.   without one snowcapped mistake.

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