Monday, September 25, 2023

Don't Hint of Dark Birds Moving Overhead

Most of monologue in grid per increasingly normal, I was pooting at Shitlord Paid Pooter pooting that John Fetterman dresses like a slob in a House of Decorum, paid pooter pooting that Fetterman's hoodies a direct symptom and sign of civilization's downfall, far far worse than gross corruption and incitement to insurrection, and I typed this motherfucking sentence, just like our shitlords wanted me to

Trying to teach myself black, watercolor ink in the above's case, I can't show you the more successful one because it's a 12 x 12 canvas that won't fit on the scanner I use to pdf these before jaypegging them for here and there and even if I had a big enough scanner bed if I turned the 12 x 12 upside down the already crumbling layered gouache would fall off, today in fine jeffmetaphors abounding, I've mentioned this before

I need an expensive top of the line overhead scanner with a bed of at least 16 x 16, I'm starting a gofuck me, will accept payments from all the shitlords' online payment services (I pay for my brainwashing) here, this one's a 6x6 with no black watercolor ink, me and yellow and pink, sheesh, and then what is it with me and circles beyond I can't draw?

What is being held up as a dangerous burden is, in fact, a wonderful opportunity for the m***********g Democrats
Once again on the Democratic Party, the lesser evil, and the working-class Left
Maybe someone who writes about voter suppression has said this but calling people who you DON'T want to vote repeatedly and incessantly IS a voter suppresion tactic seems to me
Mohammed bin Salman says he will ‘continue doing sport washing’ for Saudi Arabia
How Not to Launch a Global Anti-Censorship Movement
Russell Brand is not the main target, but a mere proxy for the censors' global assault on free speech
I confess, I know nothing about Russell Brand other than I've seen his name for years and investigated no further, it's entirely possible he's a creepy asshole, but here's a vital reminder: one of the key purposes our shitlords have in enabling and then censoring creepy assholes and especially asshole crackers is to set up and justify the upcoming censoring of YOU
The Palestinian Panopticon
How to Hide a $2 Trillion Antitrust Trial
Junior Varsity Washington Post pooter pooting the Fetterman, fart
The loss of the Senate dress code is the downfall of civilization
Senior Varsity Washington Post pooter pooting the Fetterman, fart
I am not convinced (yet) that Fetterman is an honest broker and have no idea (yet) whether he's smart and savvy and is working the hoodie schtick for more than attention and really IS trying to piss off anyturd who's anyturd, but good on him calling for Menendez to resign (as I type this no other Motherfucking Democratic Senator has, nor Biden, who's busy preparing for his Tuesday cosplay as pro-union in a UAW picket line)
Worm that jumps from rats to slugs to human brains has invaded Southeast US
HEY! Here's your opportunity, you sadistic turd, to trap, torture, torment, terrorize, and kill sentient creatures!
Americans’ Dismal Views of the Nation’s Politics
Psycho-PoliticsFRESH HELL
Destroying a Child’s Love of Reading—and Their Life
The ghost forests of Maryland'sEastern Shore
Avedon Carol's occasional links
NATO Keeps Saying Things NATO Doesn’t Let You Say
How the Government Is Removing Our Right to Read in Private
Christopher Rufo and the End of Public Education
CLEOCID PANIER7 Vegan Sandwiches!
Medieval Pet Names!Maggie's
Animals talking{ feuilleton }'s weekly
It was only a matter of time before the Koch brothers showed up in this storyMoth magic
Mocos, have any of you EVER eaten at Il Pizzico, I've driven by it hundreds, thousands of time over the years, I know it yelp and I know people are dopes, but Best Moco Restaurant (for years and running)
One of the novels I've failed in 2023On Fosse's Septology
Robert Pollard interview: 40 years of GbV
Youngsters, The Mats were, back in the Paleozoic, deemed a big deal, great albums, shitty shows, laugh
If, like me, you want a weekly dose of Death Metal I can't recommend enough Land Phil's *Anti-Music Club*


Mary Syzbist

The sculptures in this gallery have been                        

carefully treated with a protective wax                         
so that visitors may touch them.                                     

exhibitions, the art institute

of chicago

Stone soldier, it's okay now.
I've removed my rings, my watch, my bracelets.

I'm allowed, brave girl,
to touch you here, where the mail covers your throat,
your full neck, down your shoulders
to here, where raised unlatchable buckles
mock-fasten your plated armor.

Nothing peels from you.

Your skin gleams like the silver earrings
you do not wear.

Above you, museum windows gleam October.
Above you, high gold leaves flinch in the garden,

but the flat immovable leaves entwined in your hair to crown you
go through what my fingers can't.
I want you to have a mind I can turn in my hands.

You have a smooth and upturned chin,
cold cheeks, unbruisable eyes,
and hair as grooved as fig skin.

It's October, but it's not October
behind your ears, which don't hint
of dark birds moving overhead,
or of the blush and canary leaves

emptying themselves
in slow spasms
into shallow hedgerows.

Still bride of your own armor,
bride of your own blind eyes,
this isn't an appeal.

If I could I would let your hair down
and make your ears disappear.

Your head at my shoulder, my fingers on your lips—

as if the cool of your stone curls were the cool
               of an evening—
as if you were about to eat salt from my hand.


  1. RE: The Mats: I was at the first Mats gig (in the 7th Steet Entry, at least), it was sloppy/ exasperating and I wandered out the venue to the upstairs part of the club where they were probably playing videos on the big screen. I knew many who knew them (my ex GF's husband is featured in their documentary) and I interacted with their management in the record shop (Oarfolkjokeopus) attached to them: the whole enterprise, from top to bottom, was forbiddingly *white* and I always got a side-eyed vibe from head honcho Jesperson. Mpls was famously "integrated" but the music business was SO segregated, even there, that only the weirdest New Wave Hipster Bands (like one called The Suprees, featuring a black bassist) were mixed. Even The Mats were too mainstream to be integrated. I was never a part of that "club" and once, when I went in to sell a bunch of my record collection rejects (I was heavily into British New Wave and Nonesuch Experimental), the partner flipping through my records was actually sort of trembling... his hands looked like they were defusing a bomb... I soon figured out that *he* figured out that the records had been "stolen" during a general White Neighborhood apartment burglary (common enough back then)... though they weren't. I was square-pegging every round hole in that cultural map of the Midwest (I wasn't into Funk, I wasn't into R&b, I fit in NOwhere) back then and the sparks being struck were not commercial.

    Decades later, I get a little shiver of resentment whenever I see the phrase "The Mats"... and though the studio version of the music was tinny-but-okay I heard much better at the time (ask me about "Detour Derek and the Lost Boys" or "Kindergar10". Being such an over-earnest, music-obsessed dupe, I just didn't get that getting shit-faced drunk BEFORE taking the stage was a power move! Ah: cultural differences! Signing off wth my Alt Perspective... SA

  2. I went to GFM looking for the Fund for Jeff's scanner -- and searching under Jeffrey P, there are a huge number of people named Jeff whose families are all raising money for their loved one's "brain cancer". I think this is just sadly coincidental, and not funny (one parent and one sibling got their own glioblastoma multiformes), so is there a GFM for your scanner or what?
