Monday, May 13, 2024

You Know Then That It Is Not the Reason That Makes Us Happy or Unhappy

Saw my first RFK Jr signs on Mt Hope Road south of Munith yesterday, that's one more decked-put candidate house I've seen than either Biden or Trump signs on my drives to disc golf on our drives to hikes and our drives around Ann Arbor and Ypsi and Chelsea and Jackson and the greater Waterloo metropolitan area. Here was the view Saturday night past from our back porch:

My daughter and son-in-law tell me not to interpret the lack of Biden and Trump signage as a sign of indifference but of intractibility - no one is changing anyone's mind, neighbors know who votes for who, so for civility's fucking sake why put Fuck Yous in your yard, and this is sensible and adult. 

Yes, there's a grid of anger below, half of them added before the trip but I can't stop seeking them out and blasting them at you, the fuck is wrong with me, it can't *all* be because I'm an attention-slut Cassandra, weathervane (whether vain), canary, fool. We assume we will move to Michigan in two years, it would be the first time in my 44 years of voter eligibility my vote would actually matter (said 44 years in the bluest county of a blue state) though I know even that vote won't matter either sooner or later and probably sooner. 

Righteous outrage, fellowmofos, righteous outrage
"The only possible conclusion from all of the above is to reinforce my analysis that the Zionist political and media classes in the West, including Biden, Blinken, Trudeau, Macron, Sunak, Starmer, Scholtz, von der Leyen and all, are active and willing participants in a programme of genocide"
When Palestinians in Gaza are ethnically cleansed, the NYT says they’re “on the Move
Lindsey Graham just suggested nuking Gaza on national TV
How to live an intentional and ethical life
Literary Criticism in a Time of Genocide
"The world-systems approach has typically viewed such disruptions as signs of a hegemonic transition, as when the World Wars of the twentieth century marked the shift from British to US global hegemony. But in today’s context, the disruption portends no transfer of power; the decline of US hegemony simply inaugurates a period in which crisis has become the norm"
The New York Times Protests Too Much
Motherfuckers, every Democrat, every single fucking one
"The clearing of the encampment came hours after the Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, applied pressure on the university to take action. Speaking on Thursday night, he said it was “past time for the university to address this, to disband the encampment and to restore order and safety on campus”.
Trump’s danger isn’t that he’s a fascist, it's that he's a centrist
Calculating the ‘White Bonus
"Biden hired a dairy lobbyist to run the USDA, and it turns out they've been covering up widespread bird flu presence in our milk for months, going so far as exempting some farms from testing and concealing the data that is collected"
Biden taps Obama, George Clooney, Julia Roberts and the Clintons for mega fundraisers
This condescending pig. Reminder: Democrats loathe & hold in eternal contempt their base far more than Republicans ever could, for which they are proud
Maggie's weeklyDiagnosis: Burnout
Road to Maryland's future runs through Montgomery County
#1396 Self Portrait{ feuilleton }'s weekly
Universal Order of Armageddon band below
"I Hope I Leave A Mountain Of Shit Unfinished" – Remembering Steve Albini
Will Oldham on Steve Albini: ‘He elevated the quality of the human experience’h/t davidly
Steve Albini Was a Hater to His Core. And We’re All Better for Ith/t Hamster
The Beautiful Rawness of Steve Albini


Wallace Stevens

The palm at the end of the mind,
Beyond the last thought, rises
In the bronze decor,

A gold-feathered bird
Sings in the palm, without human meaning,
Without human feeling, a foreign song.

You know then that it is not the reason
That makes us happy or unhappy.
The bird sings. Its feathers shine.

The palm stands on the edge of space.
The wind moves slowly in the branches.
The bird's fire-fangled feathers dangle down.


  1. 1/you have quoted craig murray's analysis listing trudeau as among the active and willing participants in a programme of genocide

    this morning i sent a tweet responding to trudeau's birthday greetings to israel - I wrote

    "The Prime Minister's perspective would be enriched, in my opinion, if he considered the points raised in Jewish Canadian author Naomi Klein's recent opinion piece in the Guardian."

    it is my most endorsed tweet ever - 9 people have said they loved it - although 2 people replied with condemnations of klein - this full and frank exchange of views is one of the reasons that participation in the platformnowcalledx still seems meaningful to me

    2/i may have mentioned that margaret wheatley has put out a second edition of Who Do We Choose to Be? - she writes

    In a world we cannot recognize, how do we find a way forward?
    In this world we do not understand, how do we know what to do?
    When so little is comprehensible, what is meaningful work, what is genuine contribution?

    These questions are only asked by people who want to make a difference, who want to engage rather than withdraw, who want to use their power and influence in service to others. I assume this is you, a seeker intent on finding your path of contribution in this strange and confusing time. My aspiration is for you to see clearly so that you may act wisely. If we don’t know where we are, if we don’t know what to prepare for, we stay lost, wandering in the frightening wilderness. Only when we know where we are can we choose a meaningful path forward.

    3/can one know where one is? is there such a thing as a meaningful path forward? as einstein wondered, is the universe friendly?

    4/may the force be with us all

  2. “We’re hoping that people will begin seriously thinking that our short-term well-being is best served by thinking about our long-term survival.” Daniel Brooks

  3. my first hummingbird
    in the early morning rain
    was i surprised? yeah

  4. scarlet tanager
    "it was exhilarating"
    Mama said same morn'
