Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Too Late: Duty Has Become Habit, Habit a Duty

Fuck, the blogdays of summer, here's inside baseball to alienate everyone else, re: yesterday's United post - you do realize the danger of Shevchenko coming to United, yes, what a bullet that's been dodged that was never shot? Hear that sound Jill St John makes when she sees that Bombe Suprise? That's the sound Rosie, top shelf below, makes for treats. That EEE sound Jill St John makes when the kabobs are... wait, have I mentioned this?

....aflame? Rosie when we pick her up and put her in a room because she's on a vet-ordered diet. By the way, I may post links of the reflexive pukestorms over this week's SCOTUS rulings but I'm not going to flotsam in the SCOTUS pukestorm of jetsam this week, awoo. Somewhere Rod Dyachenko is failing another audition.


Lyn Hejinian

Lost after all. You can leave any time
This rat's like me, she has a human soul
Too late: duty has become habit, habit a duty
Poems distilled from other poems will probably pass away
But there's dance in the old dame yet
No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before


  1. The whole DCD record is streaming on their site. I haven't listened to it yet, your thoughts? (and I wish there was a tour date within driving distance of Clevelandia!)

  2. I think THANKS! why didn't *I* think of that? Will give it a few spins.

    Buying tickets today for the Wolftrap show. It's the night before my birthday, so I know what I'm giving myself.

  3. Interesting would have been River Plate finishing 5th or below and the PTBs changing the promo rules to "oh, we're going to use the average of the last 9 seasons."

    A priest, a rabbi, and a pretzeldent walk into a bar.

  4. I've long used my ten free reads of the fucking New York Times this month

    The simplest work around is to just delete the reroute. For example, in the link below I got a "too many views" block:


    But if you delete back to the "?", i.e. so it looks like this:

    and hit return, you can read it just fine...

  5. Thanks! I'll use! though I'm still not reading David Brooks today or ever.

  6. BDR! Mmmwhaaa!

    Please do follow along with our progress here in rural Missouri. My experiment in what happens if we cross the urban/rural divide with respect and care. I reprinted the entire 2/16/12 Bernanke speech on community banking in the inaugural issue. And the local bankers are weighing in with analysis and commentary to be published in our July 11th issue.

    Beat's working!
