What, reaction? I am small, it still pleases me too much that 70% of motherfuckng Oklahomans are pissed this morning, I'm so small I'm still going to enjoy too much the schadenfreude over Rush Limbaugh's listeners' anguish, the anger of the asshole cracker four doors down from me who's a dick to my ferals and steals Obama signs from front lawns and is stupid and/or arrogant enough to leave them uncovered in the back of his pick-up. I'm small, it pleases me someone - either - won and won clear cut, that a concession speech was made by one of the fuckers, that this isn't going to recounts and courts. I'm small, it pleases me that loved ones are pleased even if I still maintain that for advancing oligarchy's interest Obama is the best salesman, that the country will be farther right in 2016 for Obama's election than had Romney won on matters economic and imperialistic and police state. I'm small, this was my first election cycle in which I didn't vote my tribal heritage, it gives me no joy they won except for the disappointment of the arch-rivals they beat. I like my side less than once; I still hate the other side the same as always.
- UPDATE! Schadenfreude?
- America lost the election: The United States Army is developing a weapon that can reach -- and destroy -- any location on Earth within an hour. At the same time, power lines held up by wooden poles dangle over the streets of Brooklyn, Queens and New Jersey. Hurricane Sandy ripped them apart there and in communities across the East Coast last week, and many places remain without electricity. That's America, where high-tech options are available only to the elite, and the rest live under conditions comparable to a those of a developing nation. No country has produced more Nobel Prize winners, yet in New York City hospitals had to be evacuated during the storm because their emergency generators didn't work properly. Anyone who sees this as a contradiction has failed to grasp the fact that America is a country of total capitalism. Its functionaries have no need of public hospitals or of a reliable power supply to private homes. The elite have their own infrastructure. Total capitalism, however, has left American society in ruins and crippled the government. America's fate is not just an accident produced by the system. It is a consequence of that system.
- On the election.
- UPDATE! Karl on Earth.
- A Liberal fantasy.
- E.J. Dionne's silly snoopy dance.
- Things will be different this time.
- He wuz right.
- Over/under Marco Rubio is 2016 GOP VPOTUS nominee? Ted Cruz?
- UPDATE! On the above.
- Geoffrey was an idiot.
- On the above, a
deadhibernating bleeger reappears. - Question Seven passed.
- HEY! United plays second leg v Metros tonight in a nor'easter!
- Simplistic and inaccurate.
- Satie!
- More Elliott Carter tomorrow, including requests that have been Kindly submitted.
Seth Abramson
Come see the woodpile behind the
Come through the wall
where the wood was chopped
and the difficult wood was hewed.
There is a short history of
commotion here,
where a sudden bonfire spat its
the sky—
a hundred feet or more the shavings
through disturbed air, and made
their own
music, the music hands make, such a
crackle and such a thrashing
in the morning.
Come wait for the heavy trucks to
men in dusters cutting the twine,
loading the long ghostly planks like
iron barges.
This will be packing for a
transatlantic box,
or paper for essays on
schadenfreude, or timber
for dollhouse dressers, or a twenty
baht note
for the Thai rubber trade. These
will burn whenever you strike them,
and this,
hack at it however you like, is
nothing more
than deadwood for the fire. Come
even the men are doing only
they were made to do.
I won't be able to look at my facebook feed for a few days because everyone is smug as hell and acts as if we were saved from total annihilation at the hands of the Russkies.
ReplyDeleteBecause then I know I'll start complaining about human rights and proxy wars again and no one wants rain on their parade. This must be how people felt when Reagan got re-elected?
Interestingly enough, even the fundiest of fundies in the periphery of my world have been a bit more "keep calm carry on" than I expected, but I think they're a little less loony as it is since we're not south of Mason-Dixon.
No way on the Rubio unless the GOP is even more moronic than this time. He's a right wing Cuban. The Cubans are dying off and being replaced by Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Central American Hispanics who don't think much of those two-generations-ago Cubans.
ReplyDeleteGood on Maryland. And Roscoe is (finally) gone.
See the update above re: Rubio and 2016.
ReplyDeleteI think the GOP will do something clumsy and obvious and insulting re: trying to appeal to a demographic its base loathes, Rubio or no, though Rubio? Was just talking to a couple of profs here (both Lefties - full disclosure) who were talking up Rubio because they've Righty colleagues who think Rubio not only wins Latino votes, he wins women because "women think he's hot." Fully tentured fools, one a major campus player, made that pro-Rubio statement.
One of my good friends with whom I share overlapping musical taste and will be Republican til the day he dies, told me that women love Mitt Romney for the same reason. I don't tend to find men in suits hot anyways, but I have yet to meet a woman who finds that man attractive.
DeleteThe GOP will have to remake itself to do anything other than what they always do. And what they always do is give it to the next one in line. Somehow they have a childlike attachment to Taking Turns. Given that Paul Ryan is the most likely nominee. They might convince themselves that his relative youth is a demographic tsunami.
DeleteThat said, they only look two years ahead. We'll see soon whether they decide to double down, cower before the mighty finger of Grover Norquist, and try to elect more members of the White Citizens Party (formerly Tea Baggers) or will freak out and rebel, scurry around trying to find a bunch of winger women to run, etc., etc. I suspect the moderate GOP has about 72 hours to try to lay down their claim before the wingers awaken from their decline, get up off of their fainting couches, and try to swing their mighty threats around.
Good times.
Link thanks! And nothing wrong with possibly advancing on an own goal in the slop. My snoopy dance is the best. Question Seven may have passed, but what about the Mysterians?
ReplyDeletefeesh was never dead, he was just resting at the bottom of the bowl.
fish is indestructible.
ReplyDelete2016 will be Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, ore Scott Walker (if he manages to avoid indictment). Bookmark it, commies!
ReplyDeleteRumors of my death were greatly exaggerated.