Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Forebodings of Disaster Enter into Box Scores

Re the bullet below about pints last night, today's Sillyass Star Trek allusion:

[Interrogation room]  

(BLCKDGRD has been left alone with the agoniser control pad. He starts to smash it against the desk as POTUS 16 enters.) 
POTUS 16: That won't help. I have many more. 
BLCKDGRD: Still, it felt good. 
POTUS 16: Enjoy your good feelings while you can. There may not be many more of them. I've just received word. There's been a battle. Your stupidass delusion about American exceptionalism via progressivism is burning in space. The invasion of East Coast Liberalism has been successful. 
BLCKDGRD: I don't believe you. 
POTUS 16: There's no need for any further information from you. Our troops were successful in spite of your refusal to help me. You might have saved yourself a great deal of torment by yielding at the beginning. 
BLCKDGRD: I want to see a world of universal peace, tolerance, charity, and fairness. 
POTUS 16: There is no such place. The word will be that you perished with your crew. No one will ever know that you are here with us, as you will be for a long, long time. You do, however, have a choice. You can live out your life in misery, held here, subject to my whims, or you can live in comfort with good food and warm clothing, the illusion of civil liberties, gay rights, equal rights for women, an egalitarian economy based on merit for the able and charity to the unable, allowed to pursue your studies of philosophy and history. I would enjoy debating with you. You have a keen mind. It's up to you. A life of ease, of reflection and intellectual challenge, or this. 
BLCKDGRD: What must I do? 
POTUS 16: Nothing, really. Tell me how many kind Triskelions you see. How many? How many Triskelions? This is your last chance. The guards are coming. Don't be a stubborn fool. How many? (Hillary Trump-Cruz enters) 
HILLARY TRUMP-CRUZ: You told me he would be ready to go. 
POTUS 16: We had some unfinished business. 
HILLARY TRUMP-CRUZ: Get him cleaned up. A ship is waiting to take him back to Dupont Circle. BLCKDGRD, if you'll go with the guards, they'll take care of you. 
BLCKDGRD: There are four Triskelions! (Limps off defiantly, refusing help from POTUS 16 guards.)


[Ready room] 

BLCKDGRD: I, er, I don't know where to begin. It was
TROI: I read your report. 
BLCKDGRD: What I didn't put in the report was that at the end he gave me a choice between a life of comfort or more torture. All I had to do was to say that I could see five Triskelions, when in fact, there were only four. 
TROI: You didn't say it? 
BLCKDGRD: No, no, but I was going to. I would have told him anything. Anything at all. But more than that, I believed that I could see five Triskelions. 
TROI: How does that make you feel? 
BLCKDGRD: Fuck you, Deanna


John Beer

“This bubble had to be burst, & the only way to do it was
to go right into the heart of the Arab world
& smash something.” The hotel heiress, snapped
flashing her bum in a Bahamas club.
To go right into the heart of the Arab world,
they claim their device can trigger an orgasm:
flashing her bum in a Bahamas club
on a boozy date with her new bloke, Nick Carter.
They claim their device can trigger an orgasm.
American officials who spoke on condition of anonymity
on a boozy date with her new bloke, Nick Carter,
say he confessed under torture in Syria.

American officials who spoke on condition of anonymity
without touching a women’s genital area
say he confessed under torture in Syria.
“There’s no explanation why. We’re just not saying anything.”

Without touching a women’s genital area,
I take it all seriously. I am withdrawing from all representation.
There’s no explanation why. We’re just not saying anything
to make this objective absolutely clear.

I take it all seriously. I am withdrawing from all representation,
but he was in the special removal unit.
To make this objective absolutely clear,
the development of counterterrorism technologies—

but he was in the special removal unit.
This had profoundly shocked the commission,
the development of counterterrorism technologies
with the flick of a switch. Women get turned on.

This had profoundly shocked the commission.
No one detected any radical political views.
With the flick of a switch, women get turned on
to a new business model that only pretends

no one detected any radical political views.
I take it all seriously. I am withdrawing from all representation
to a new business model that only pretends
to give consumers more control. In fact,

I take it all seriously. I am withdrawing from all representation
that she refused to be photographed in body paint
to give consumers more control. In fact,
he was handcuffed and beaten repeatedly.

That she refused to be photographed in body paint
constitutes an integral goal of the IOA.
He was handcuffed and beaten repeatedly.
There’s no explanation why. An information whiteout

constitutes an integral goal of IOA
while Justice turns to Syria’s secret police.
There’s no explanation why. An information whiteout.
Forebodings of disaster enter into box scores

while Justice turns to Syria’s secret police,
constructing systems to counter asymmetric threats.
Forebodings of disaster enter into box scores
to achieve total information awareness,

constructing systems to counter asymmetric threats.
This bubble had to be burst, and the only way to do it was
to achieve total information awareness
& smash something. The hotel heiress snapped.

1 comment:

  1. *I* am the fifth Triskelion, you stupid fuck. Jeebus, you can accurately dickprobe impenetrable pometry, but you haven't fucking figured that out yet?

    Also: "Fuck you, Deanna" is the correct answer to a simply stunning number of questions.

