Thursday, December 21, 2017

Template w/o Photo Monologue Song Song Poem Song

>> Photo <<

>> Monologue ( >> Deleted Bleggalgaze, one sort or othert <<) <<

>> Song <<

>> Song <<

>> poem <<

>> song <<


  1. Thanks, as ever, for the link.

    1) Lears (oddly, a colleague of my best collegiate friend, now also comfortably ensconced at Rutgers), absolutely. But why can't both questions he raises be true?

    2) Bragman and several commenters get it; it's all about Not Upsetting Our Wealthy.

    3) A few good reads at the end of a crappy year: Authority, Jeff Vandermeer; and Underground Airlines by Ben H. Winter, and the latter in particular. (Winter's "The Last Policeman", with a fledgling detective investigating a murder in the months before earth is struck by a Dinosaur-killer asteroid, isn't quite as tight, but good.)

    4) @Herr von D: Nicely put. Every pundit, commentator and actor in this American Dramatic Farce wants to be on the right side of history. Or, simply 'right'.

    A Happy Season to all, and everything that makes it so for each.

  2. Woof: May it be being a wonderful season for you as well.
