- Read this on the West Virginia teachers strike.
- All-in-or-nothing.
- I am telling you three times: bless teachers.
- rods of iron / murican nutjob.
- How do we change the course of human history?
- We don't. I admit the WV teacher strike chimes bells in my head as did Occupy Wall Street, first time since Occupy Wall Street. Will have the - not my pleasure tines tingling, the strike itself - the same effect: measures will be taken to ensure it not happen again.
- Support the WV teachers here.
- Why is there so much gun violence in the United States?
- { feuilleton }'s weekly links.
- On the deployment of simile to understand good marriages.
- My cherry tree thinks it's Spring:
Josephine Miles
Through the branches of the Japanese cherry
Blooming like a cloud which will rain
A rain white as the sun
The living room across the roadway
Cuts its square of light
And in it fight
Two figures, hot, irate,
Stuck between sink and sofa in that golden cage.
Come out into the night, walk in the night,
It is for you, not me.
The cherry flowers will rain their rain as white
Cool as the moon.
Listen how they surround.
You swing among them in your cage of light.
Come out into the night.