Monday, October 4, 2021

Goldenrod Brighten the Margins of the Woods

Your Washington Post publishes a hit-piece on evil foreign shitlords. Said evil foreign shitlords are not hindered by the peasant-appeasing TAX SHACKLES! that hamper Our noble shitlords' money laundering laws and those dastardly foreign shitlords take advantage of their lack of TAX SHACKLES! to beat Our noble shitlords in shitloard ladder matches, the evil bastards, (not that Our noble shitlords, led by the Grand Poobah of Our noble shitlords, the owner of the Washington Post, are complaining, mind, or are both begging that their TAX SHACKLES be forever removed and forever be attached to evil foreign shitlords, that would be ignoble)

Peak goldenrod season, above Rachel Carson yesterday.

In case there's anyone out there: I got a text from our cousin Jennifer, her dad, my mother's sister's husband, my Uncle Wayne, who took us fossil hunting in southwest Pennsylvania including once where we could watch the multiple freight trains do the big curve near Altoona and my cousin Eric found a trilobyte, died early Saturday morning past, this two week's after she'd texted me, our first communication since I texted her my mother died, Jennifer now a grandmother! she texted me! I asked her to tell him I said hi and she said she did, Wayne, rest in peace, a good guy

Hawlings River, Rachel Carson, yesterday

Yesterday was Lindsey Buckingham's 72nd birthday, there will be no cascade this year, and while I am still stupid for his music I'm not *as* stupid as once, this happening everywhere with everything but hiking with Earthgirl

Fresh hellThe year public health lost its soulSoccer and tribalism
Capitalism without capitalists
Continuum of intervention
The living dead Pax Americana
Shitlord rage grows at private jet shortages!
There will never be a woke US military
When hope is a hindrance
Amazing coincidenceMaggie's weekly linksThom Gunn's letters
Sebald (by Lerner) for those of you who do
Jaeggy again{ feuilleton }'s weekend linksBaby please don't go
Richard Dawson & Circle? I'm in


Jane Kenyon

A second crop of hay lies cut   
and turned. Five gleaming crows   
search and peck between the rows.
They make a low, companionable squawk,   
and like midwives and undertakers   
possess a weird authority.

Crickets leap from the stubble,   
parting before me like the Red Sea.   
The garden sprawls and spoils.

Across the lake the campers have learned   
to water ski. They have, or they haven’t.   
Sounds of the instructor’s megaphone   
suffuse the hazy air. “Relax! Relax!”

Cloud shadows rush over drying hay,   
fences, dusty lane, and railroad ravine.   
The first yellowing fronds of goldenrod   
brighten the margins of the woods.

Schoolbooks, carpools, pleated skirts;   
water, silver-still, and a vee of geese.


The cicada’s dry monotony breaks   
over me. The days are bright   
and free, bright and free.

Then why did I cry today   
for an hour, with my whole   
body, the way babies cry?


A white, indifferent morning sky,   
and a crow, hectoring from its nest   
high in the hemlock, a nest as big   
as a laundry basket ...
                                    In my childhood   
I stood under a dripping oak,
while autumnal fog eddied around my feet,   
waiting for the school bus
with a dread that took my breath away.

The damp dirt road gave off   
this same complex organic scent.

I had the new books—words, numbers,   
and operations with numbers I did not   
comprehend—and crayons, unspoiled   
by use, in a blue canvas satchel
with red leather straps.

Spruce, inadequate, and alien   
I stood at the side of the road.   
It was the only life I had.


  1. Fresh Hell link is also in Cs w/o Cs.

    RiP Wayne.

    1. I just noticed I'm still Siegfried in comments though I retired Siegfried as avatar a while ago and have certainly posted comments as Siegfried, I'm in Kaos

    2. I couldn't remember how I loaded mine either. Found it. Go to your dashboard, select settings, select flavicon. You can click to remove the man of KAOS, or select a new image to upload.

  2. 0.5/may tio wayne rest in peace, and may the holy spirit comfort those who mourn

    1/those are good looking photos of plants outside

    1.5/speaking of outside plants, i treat my back yard as a nature preserve, but this past weekend made an exception and liberally applied plant poison to it - specifically ortho poison ivy and tough brush killer - i am gratified to note some areas of the yard with browning - those plants gave me a terrible rash and blisters two years ago, and now i have gotten my revenge

    1.6/and yet most of the vegetation has not been harmed - the chemical company's claims of specificity were correct - i am always glad when something works the way it is supposed to

    2/speaking of childhood, as kenyon does in her poem - i am now at the other end of the journey, facing the issue of annual RMDs from IRAs - required minimum distributions from individual retirement accounts - i have two of these, from two previous university employers - but strangely enough only one of these requires a notarized signature from my spouse to let me withdraw the money - this will be required each year as long as i refuse to commit myself to a specific amount per year for the rest of my life - nowadays our home owners association provides the notarization for free, but if/when we have moved to the great multicultural north the american consulate in halifax will charge us $50 for this, or else we can get an online notarization for $25 - this is the first year TIAA has offered me this option

    3/i have ordered two copies of sanjay gupta's book on covid - one for self and spouse, and also as a gift for spouse's niece, the duluth dentist
