Strange days confirmed when I can't read a novel but now find myself reading economic theory and monetary policy and not precisely liking it and certainly not understanding much of it but feeling compelled to finish, the one above is worth your time, some duh is better than others
I might as well type that I've started a novel and not farted out yet and thought don't type that but too late
I blurpt re: Kagan's "The Crackers Are Coming!" column, I blurpt "Their Shitlords Are Shittier Than Our Shitlords," my blurpts, things erode on inexorably incremental but compounding pace, trot to canter, I've been blurpting about crackers since the seventh grade, I've been blurpting about shitlords since the tenth, our shitlords and their Villagers long plan to beat the blurpt out of blurpters slowly eroding my will to blurpt
Latest chapter in shitlords laundering money via European soccer teams
Jean Giono, another novelist I never heard of, another novelist I can fail!
On Franzen, another novelist I of course have heard of, I've no recollection of The Corrections except that I did read and finish it but have not read a single word since; I can could take a smart scold writing bad duh and can could take a dumb scold writing good duh but a dumb scold writing bad duh, no
why couldn't the cat go to space?