Friday, October 14, 2022

Funny How Often These Find Themselves Passengers in the Same Automobile

  1. *
    You only *thought* the local helmetball team’s owner was a despicable shitsmear*
    *Reminder: helmetball, and your slavish devotion to it, the finest metaphor for Shitlordistan
    Reminder: my obsession is with the shitlord that owns my local helmetball team until recently named the Racial Slurs, one that started when the shitlord illegally cut down trees on National Park C&O Canal land to get a better view of the Potomac from his mansion, I thought, this is a smear worth watching (plus the helmetball as best metaphor part, the local team named the Racial Slurs)*
    *The ex-slurs play in an hour from when I type this, I read that for the first time in their long history the Bears will wear orange helmets, reminder, I’m obsessed with uniforms, thank you Paul Fussell, while the helmetball game is starting I’ll walk up one flight of stairs and find GT1900 .F87 2002 and reread
    The local helmetball ball team, whose identity color is burgundy (but not burgundy, halfway between crimson and burgundy) and has new uniforms did not wear burgundy as primary color (in fact, wore mono-black from top to bottom first) until their 5th game because they are the local helmetball team once known (and still called by exactly the helmetball fan you’d expect the Racial Slurs) (for correct colors, see orb above)*
    *It will take twenty-four of thirty-two of shitlords who own more precious than all eight yachts, nine houses, two Lear jets, to own one Helmetball, Inc franchise, thirty-two only, an NFL team’s a shitlord’s ultimate club ring
    Marie, hiking with us last Sunday, says to me, you sound like them talking about you when you talk about them. She told me she can’t believe that crackers believe what they say, fentynyl in halloween candy, and I said, lies in the service of truth are truth to the faithful, embedded in daily prayers. O god, said 99. I have been a cracker bigot since 1973, I continued, first introduced in the seventh grade by future farmers of america (and offensive linesmen) to cracker practice and, yes, forgive me my role as antifa member 86 (married to 99), I’m giving away free fentynyl Halloween night. Marie laughed! 99 sighed*
    *Reminder: every penny of rent shitlords squeeze from immiserating the help divided equally between investing in new and improved sadistic models of immiserating the help and a sociopathic determination to out-shitlord all shitlords in what the accumulation for accumulations’s score, their faith holds dear the zero-sum game as god’s table
    *Assuming I’m murdered, will it be a cracker or an officially deputized cracker? Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER

You do not have a right to roll up your window, or: ACAB
Fighting Covid-19 by stealing money and giving it to pigs
How soon the formula *Herschel Walker's Cognitive Problems < John Fetterman's Cognitive Problems Because helmetball > Any and Every Fucking Thing Else in America* be standard wisdom dispensed from loudspeakers?
The companies' profits rely on strict drug laws
There's no such thing as a free market
When igsgay become judge, jury, and executioner
Is breaking things the best way forward for climate activists?
Intellectual life in 2020s America is....
Capture the flagThe invention of incels
A new doorway to the brain?Maryland earthquake
Nineteen ways of looking at consciousness
Certainty in uncertain timesMutual entrapment
Avedon Carol's occasional links
Riding the brakes on labor's upturn
The illusion of the first personNormality is monstrous
There are no five stages of grief
NEW ENOBill Callahan reviews his own albums!
Interest in Arvo Pärt is mushrooming
Iggy Pop covers Leonard Cohen!
Destroyer's *This Night* turns twenty
Irwin reminded me Wednesday of this pop song


Ann Carson

Some fathers hate to read but love to take
the family on trips. Some children hate trips
but love to read. Funny how often these find
themselves passengers in the same auto-
mobile. I glimpsed the stupendous clear-
cut shoulders of the Rockies from between
paragraphs of Madame Bovary. Cloud shad-
ows roved languidly across her huge rock
throat, traced her fir flanks. Since those days
I do not look at hair on female flesh without
thinking, Deciduous?

1 comment:

  1. interesting, informative photos and text
