Thursday, July 23, 2015

Both Better and Shittier Than I Can Imagine

So this doesn't mean I'm gonna fuckitybarkbarkity daily (or link-fish nightly), just that I give myself permission to enjoy and indulge my impotent fury at the Clusterfuck when I want and not lameasssquelch my barking out of a misguided belief I am a purer soul if I pretend to ignore the noise that sets my foot tapping.

Yes, the posted poem is old, all this made me think if it. The new one about all this - I'm actually worrying out a pantoum, it's the right form for right now and me - isn't near to half-finished.

Also, in an action symbolically significant only to me, I changed my twitter avatar to the Egoslavian flag, and then for reasons I can detail if you really want me to I removed the Egoslavian flag and made if a head shot of Fleabus, and then for reasons I can detail if you really want me to I put the Egoslavian flag back up. Actually, I can't detail it yet - the pantoum isn't near to half-finished, and it won't stop expanding.