Saturday, June 30, 2018

Sliding Davenport

  • Rescue me.
  • For whom the daisy bell trolls.
  • RIP Domenico Losurdo.
  • Is Ocasio-Cortez the start of a movement
  • Not if the person and her people in the bullet below can help it.
  • Had Clinton said I can't sleep at night because I regret the policies I imposed on Central America as Secretary of State. Those policies are a primary reason this immigration crisis exists today I might have reevaluated my contempt for her and her devout, but sheesh, no chance she would.
  • It's still not about the sex, part 2
  • The limits of contemporary satireBut postmodern perspectives have thoroughly soaked our culture (whether we recognize this our not), and good old-fashioned postmodernism-by-numbers isn’t going to work. “Little St. Don” reveals nothing new to its audience, it simply amplifies what they already know and believe, and does so in the very rhetoric that we need to overpower. Literary satire needs to do more than confirm our own morality while lambasting those who perpetrate evil—it needs to invent its own rhetoric, its own form, its own new language.
  • Satire requires kayfabe.
  • Clearly I'm back on Murnane again. Fellsburg. Green davenport.
  • BANG! Who's not using the 2nd ticket?

[I should start in the middle of a tablet]

Pjoepf of Vriecyh

1 comment:

  1. I'll not take that ticket!
    (in fare-ness, the likelihood that I'll find myself in-or-round greater DC before the reprogramming is complete always hovers around nil. 'lessin'course the trip to purgatory stops in Dead Blegsylvania.
